The Second Book of the Alienbutt Saga. The Rise of Mr Fluffy. Part 10.



Chapter 3.


The victorious Third and Sixth fleet of the Federation Navies who were involved in the victorious battle of Zaldarn and responsible for the destruction of the second Ick Fleet under the command of the traitorous commander Grommit today returned to Federation space for much needed rest and refitting. Quezzel Proodich, vice-leader of the Galactic Senate is taking the chance to meet up with members of the fleet and give them the thanks of the people of the Federation. Despite rationing and restrictions in movement, support for our forces is holding firm on all loyal planets within the Federation. Billions of federation citizens are expected to tune in and watch the special broadcast of the returning heroes that is to be shown on all channels. Despite a counter-attack by the Ick, many see the victory at Zaldarn as a decisive moment in bringing the war to a victorious end.


Princess Isme walked into the room that had been set aside for the strange alien. They had brought him back to their home-world after bandaging his wounds so their healers could treat him. For weeks he had been close to death as he lay in a fever, but late the night before, the fever had broken and the healers were confident he would survive. Isme looked to the still-bandaged wrist where he had lost his hand and thought it strange that he did not seem to be showing any sign of growing a new one.
The Queen and Royal Court had been deeply troubled to hear of the attack on their guests and had ordered all of their people to leave the planet until they could find out if another attack would be coming. While the strangers had been guests with them they had learnt much about them and the strange worlds that they came from. It appeared that they lived lives where war and death seemed a common thing. Isme was fascinated by the stories they told, but many of her people were scared and worried at what their arrival might mean. Still, this Alienbutt had been a guest who was attacked on one of their worlds and he would be nursed back to health before it was decided what to do with him.
Isme hunched down next to the bed where Alienbutt lay sleeping. The air in the room was far too dry for her people and she felt her skin drying out. Without thought she began to use her tongue to lick around her mouth and then continued on to lick around the rest of her face, paying particular attention to her large eyes that stood out from the top of her frog-like face. Her people were a reptilian race with long powerful legs, a short body and long slender arms. Their skin colour was various shades of green and brown and they lived as much in water as on land.
She finished wetting herself down and when she looked back to where Alienbutt lay, she saw he was watching her. Quickly she picked up a small purple fruit from a bowl beside the bed, quartered it and held a section up to his lips. After a moment Alienbutt began to suck at the juicy flesh.
“How do you feel?” she asked as he finished the fruit section. She offered him a second piece but he shook his head.
“Like someone gave me a right good kicking.” His voice was weak. He then closed his eyes and she thought he would drift back off to sleep. “What happened?” he asked.
“I’ll explain later when you’re stronger, but you’re safe now.”
He nodded his head and again drifted off to sleep. Isme felt so much happier that he was recovering. Life had been so dull before the strangers arrived and now she had glimpsed their life through the stories she didn’t want to lose her chance to see more of it.

To be continued.
All images are mine.

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