The Second Book of the Alienbutt Saga. The Rise of Mr Fluffy. Part 6.


Hydroponic was called back to the medical lab two hours later. Blackarachnia had left the station and jumped to light speed immediately he was airborne. Hydroponic knew the only way to save his old partner was to save his wife. He knew Blackarachnia would hunt down those he saw as responsible without a care for his own life, just wanting to wash away his pain in blood and death. As he walked into the medical lab he saw a large clear immersion tank set up next to the stasis booth.
“Is it all set up to match the instructions I left you with?” he asked the Doctor. When he got a nod from the Doctor he walked over and took a small package from his belt pocket. Pouring the contents into the tank he asked for the power to the tank to be switched on. A stream of bubbles rose up from the bottom of it. He stood and watched as the tank’s liquid contents began to churn and the white powder he had poured into it dissolved. Duke Ramboe walked in as Hydroponic watched the tank’s contents, and came to stand beside him.


“What happens now, Hydro?” he asked Hydroponic. Without a word Hydroponic pulled a knife from his belt and slashed the palm of his hand. The wound was deep, and as the blood began to drip onto the floor he dipped his hand into the bubbling liquid, which began to glow. After a few seconds he withdrew his hand and showed it to Duke Ramboe and the Doctor, revealing no sign of the cut or even a scar.
“Witness the healing power of Mfkzt,” Hydroponic said as the two men stared in amazement at his hand. “We need to place the girl in the tank. Immersion in the liquid won’t drown her, but I don’t know how long it will take for her to heal.”
“What is this powder and where can we get more?” asked the Doctor, amazed. “This could save thousands of lives.”
“We heal the girl and then I will explain everything I know of it to you.” He handed the empty package to the Doctor and stood back waiting for them to transfer Nifty to the tank.
As the stasis field was turned off and the lid opened on the booth Nifty gave a weak cough, leaving flecks of blood on her pale lips. Quickly she was transferred into the tank and the fluid within the tank began to glow and shimmer around her wounds. The Doctor stood watching a computer screen that showed her vital signs. After a minute he looked over to Hydroponic.
“Her vitals are beginning to stabilise, heart rate and blood pressure are low but not getting any worse.” He watched the screen for a while longer. “Signs of tissue regeneration, heart rate stable, wait, no, it’s getting stronger, increasing.”
“There goes immortality,” Hydroponic muttered and gave a deep sigh.
“What?” asked Duke Ramboe, not removing his gaze, fascinated by what he watched as the glow increased from the tank.
“Nothing, let’s go get a drink, leave the Doctor to his work.” With that he turned and walked out. With a last glance at the tank Duke Ramboe turned and followed him.

To be continued.
All images are mine.

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