The Second Book of the Alienbutt Saga. The Rise of Mr Fluffy. Part 9.


Snoodgrass returned the smile. “One last thing. The King of the Heeter system has approached us about them making a change of sides in the war. He would like us to send an emissary to negotiate. If we could get his shipyards working for us it would be a massive blow for the Coffee Houses and would give us a base within the inner systems."
“He's a lecherous old sod, but you’re right, he's a major power. If he switches sides others may follow his lead. Do you have thoughts on who to send?” Wickede asked, refilling his glass.
“I seem to remember he took quite a shine to Kali. We could send that mad Fo'c'sle pilot in Killashandra's command with her too; he knows the local customs very well.”
“Mention it to her when she gets back Let’s just hope she doesn't kill the old king for groping her before he swaps sides.”
“That's why I thought of Kali rather than Killashandra or any of the other female commanders we have,” Snoodgrass continued, giving a smile. “She's far more level-headed and Ponnfarr is well known in Heeter, so with him as bodyguard she will be treated with the uttermost respect.”
Wickede refilled his glass. “I thought we never looked into what our Fo’c’sle members did before they joined us?”
Snoodgrass shrugged. “We don't. They have a promise the Ick Empire will take them as seen, in return for their loyalty. The Empire would never break its word to them, so I employ outside agencies to enquire into their past and find out why they run to us.”
“So what's Ponnfarr's story?” asked Wickede, intrigued.
“The most deadly arena warrior in Heeter history. Seems he upset the wrong person when he partied with the daughter of a powerful warlord and someone took pictures of their little escapade.”
Wickede nodded. “So he upset the father?”
“No, the Queen’s sister, she was trying to tempt Ponnfarr into her bedchamber. She took the news and his rejection of her rather badly and tried to poison the lover boy before an arena battle. When that didn't work she hired assassins who failed too, then she offered a bonus to any arena warrior that could kill him. They all failed, but Ponnfarr decided to leave before the Queen’s sister launched thermal missiles at his estates.”
Wickede looked shocked. “She wouldn't go that far, surely?”
“She did. He had left the planet only minutes before the strike. With the Queen’s sister now dead it will be safe for him to return, and no one will bother Kali with Ponnfarr at her side. The people of Heeter are a strange lot, wrapped up in a rigid honour code. No one will cross Kali without facing Ponnfarr first and only another gladiator of the arena can challenge him.” Snoodgrass smiled. “The old King will be happy to see his favourite nephew return home. My spies tell me he has an interesting plan for our mad little pilot and he is essential to them joining us.”

To be continued.
All images are mine.

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