Rooms Of Time - No escape - Chapter 1

"Ok girls...are you ready?" The leader was dressed in top hat and tails, with a joyful looking face the old man was getting in character and the girls were feeling quite giddy.

The group of 5 girls giggled as they awaited the Rooms Of Time.

"So you are aware of the rules?" 

"Yes.....c'mon on let us's freezing out here!"  That was Lizzie, the self confessed big mouth of the group. The girls were celebrating 25 year old Gemma's birthday and had already lined their stomach's with prosecco pre drinks.

"Ok...ok....!" He laughed.

"Remember no  trying to open the doors to get back out and only press the alarm button in emergency. It is illuminating in Green above the door!....Got that?"

"Got it!" They all laughed in unison.

"Right....lets begin. You have chosen the Rooms Of Time. Your quest is to find you're former self. The self you had before you reincarnated to what you are today. You need to find what you are destined for, that will be your key to unlock the next room. You will be in for an hour. Find the clues in each room and it will unlock to the next! Now are you sure you are ready to take an experience of a life time?"

"YES!" They again all shout in unison. 

"Oh for god's sake, just let us in!" Lizzie laughed with frustration.

"Ok...!" He opened the door in the run down grotty storage unit.

"Enjoy!" There was something slightly mysterious with the way he said it that made the girls laughed in excitement.

As they giggled through a corridor they saw a door at the end.

"Ooooooh c'mon Gemma....birthday girl.... you go first!"  That was Natalie, Gemma's best friend. She gave her a gentle shove as she opened the door and they all fell through in a domino affect, laughing as they climbed over each other. The door slammed behind them.

"OH MY GOD...! This is like something out of Jane Austin. Look at the pictures on the wall. Hey should suit you Lucy, being into all that. I bet this one is yours. I wonder if Mr Darcy is behind that door. You could get last!" 

"Very funny Lizzie, look at all the books. This is amazing!"

The room was at least 50 ft square, covered in book shelves that were full of old books. It smelt fusty as you could imagine, and there were old chairs, even a piano in the corner. On the table was a note on old brown paper, next to a delicate looking tea set. Gemma found the letter and read it out loud.

Dearest ladies,
You will need to fit into garments dressed for the era. You will find them all in the closest, with your names labelled in the collar. Once dressed you will be able to open the door. The person who has been reincarnated from this era will only be able to open the door. Of course you can all follow. Please do try to fit in. You wouldn't want to be an outcast.
Good luck and i hope you find your historic self. Don't worry they wont look like you, so you will not be recognised, you have to find the clues. Don't forget your personal invitations.
Yours truly

"Godfrey.....might have guessed!" Lizzie laughed as she followed Gemma to the closet. She turned round to look at her cousin Lara. 

"What's up Lara, you're quiet!"

"Don't you think this is all a bit weird. I'm feeling a bit claustrophobic!" She looked around the room as if for a way to escape!

"It's meant to be weird...lighten up!"

Lara tucked her blouse into her skirt and stroked her straight shoulder length black hair. She looked nervous and apprehensive.

"Well this one is mine......look at's beautiful!"Lucy danced around holding the soft pink laced ballgown in front of her.

"Are we going to a ball ?"

"Not if this is anything to go by.....what the fuck?" 

The girls rolled about laughing as Natalie pulled out a tailored coat and pantaloons

"Natalie, that is men's wear for the ball, so you are still going to a ball.....just as a man!"

They continued to laugh. "This isn't funny!"

They all got dressed, and the clothes fitted perfectly. Lucy's long blonde hair complemented her pink dress and she looked like a princess. 

"Well after you Luce....i'm pretty sure this is your part of the game!"

Lucy giggled as she edged her way to the door. She lowered her voice to sound like Godfrey. "Are you ready girls?"

"YES!" They all chanted, even Lara looked more comfortable. She was pleased with her moonlit blue dress and her gold shawl. Yet she still grabbed onto Lizzie for comfort.

Lucy was just about to open the door when she shouted. "Oh, someone grab the invitations!"

Gemma turned back to grab them from the table. Gemma looked confused. "Hang on don't open the door, they are all in different names, i'm not sure who is who."

Lucy was getting a little impatient. "Well read the first one out Gem!"

She sniggers. "Mr Nathaniel Jones."

"C'mon...i think that's obvious." Natalie looked bemused.

"Sorry i couldn't resist. But who is Emile Rose?"

"That would be me.... I think. My mother is Emile and my middle name is Rose?" Gemma passed the invitation to Lara.

"Ok....this one is yours I think Lizzie." She passed it over to Lizzie, feeling pretty confident.

"Lady....Elizabeth Bates." They all laughed.

"I can be a lady you know!" Lizzie laughed as she twirled around in her emerald green dress, her short blond hair pinned back with a white flower.

"Ok, so this leaves me and you Lucy. I am presuming this is you! Emma Walton?"

"Yes..... my mothers maidon name and me middle name. How did you know that?"

"Because i'm Jane Baker. My Gran is Jane and i'm a baker!" They stood quiet then laughed.

"All a bit obvious isn't it, but how did they all know this stuff?" Lara started to look concerned again.

"Lara, they will have looked us up on Social media. Stop panicking!" Lizzie was getting frustrated with her again. "Right Lucy...lead the way!"

She giggled as she tried to open the door. She stopped and turned around. "It's not me!"

Gemma laughed "It's got to be you....! Try again."

"It's not me. The knob's not turning......Lizzie you try!"

Lizzie pushed her out of the way and tried the door. "It's not me either!"

"It's probably fucking me......wearing this bloody outfit.....that's probably a clue!" She shook her head in jest her wig wobbling as the others sniggered. Natalie tried the door with no luck.

The girls looked at Lara and Gemma. 

"Right it's one of you then. Who's a secret Austin fan." Both shook their heads.

Lizzie pushed Lara towards the door.

"I'm not sure about this!"

"Lara stop being 6. It's only a game!"

She reluctantly turned the handle and the 5 girls walked forward into a dark vortex. As they came through the dark they stood there in shock. Before them stood a large Horse and cart. A footsman jumped off and greeted them. It was Godfrey.

The ground was cobbled and uneven. They were in a different world, but how did they get there? It happened so quick, they didn't walk there or travel. They just appeared.

"Godfrey, what the hell is this...where are we?" 

To be continued.....


My writings are to extend my creative writing ideas. Call these first drafts if you like. Secondly I am dyslexic. I do struggle to proof read but I can't always get people to do it for me. So if there is some typo's, then so be it. 

Thank you for reading.

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