Enmity : a scattershot Future History as a Collection of many very short stories : They were the Enemy

(Reposted to correct links and format)

The puncture craft struck between seams and penetrated into the main deck of the Enemy vessel. Our deployment chamber slid forward spilling off heat and velocity, then deposited us inside a half a second later. I scattered to 4 o'clock as planned and immediately took out one of the Enemy with two shots of the 50 caliber on my assault suit. As I was taking his head, I downed another Enemy with my rapid fire flechette gun and moved quickly to take his head before he repaired.
Via Imgur by gavitron2000k
We were spreading rapidly along the inner sphere of the Enemy conclave. I saw an Enemy superman being rapidly repaired by his nanobots and decapitated him. I kept my ratchet knife buzzing on my suit’s left arm and moved ahead confidently.

Two came from directly above me. One had six arms and no legs and wrapped completely around my arms and shoulders. The other attempted to dismantle my suit at the knees. I fired a burst of my jump jet, hit the ceiling and loosened the spider guy enough to swing my ratchet at the Enemy working on my leg. I cut through his arm just as I hit the ground and my thigh flexed up into my knife.

I knew I was infected but I took those heads anyway. I could feel my leg repairing as I walked. Then the enemy nanobots started to work on my bones. Waste heat was building up in my suit and I activated the emergency disrobement. By now most of my skin had been replaced by a superconductive nanofiber layer and the flakes of dead skin puffed into the air around me as the suit clattered to the floor.

My eyes filmed over and then cleared to enhanced detail, my teeth mumbled out of my mouth and were replaced with the hot pseudo ceramic bone that was burning up my spine as well. I coughed up whatever pollution and trash was in my lungs and felt a metered increase in oxygen levels. Metered? My nervous system was upgrading and all my senses were now calibrated. I fell to my hands and knees as my digestive system cleared out both ends and my sex organs folded neatly out of the way.

Suddenly I was in communication with the rest of the ship, a super-organism comprised of every Enemy on board and the organic brain that maintained the vessel. I knew why they were our Enemy - seconds later my brain cleared up enough to agree with their plan. I had been completely upgraded. I was a superman. I was the Enemy.

(Reposted to correct links and format)

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