Let's Decorate an Exquisite Corpse Together

Image from Pixabay.
Last night, just before shutting my computer down and going to bed, my Internet went out. The second time this week. I re-set my router twice and called CenturyLink. They'll send a tech out, but they can't get here until Friday. That means I'll be all weak without the Internet. Meanwhile, I'm using my wife's smartphone as a hot spot.

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So that's the way things go sometimes. I'm hip to that.

One week ago today, I published the call to entries for the 3rd farmpunk fiction contest. The following individuals have expressed an interest in that contest and I hope will submit their awesome entries.


As a reminder, here are the rules again for the contest:

  • If you didn't upvote the original post, upvote this post (the original is already past payout)
  • Resteem this post (or the original)
  • 750-3,000 words
  • Deadline: Midnight EST, September 29, 2018
  • Use the prompt in the original post
  • Write your entry on your #Steemit blog and post a link to it in the comments of the original post
  • Tag your post with the #farmpunk tag
  • Theme: High-tech meets farming in a dystopian world with countercultural characters and an edgy tone (or something close)
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Meanwhile, let's try something different.

An exquisite corpse is a writing technique, or exercise, where several collaborators take turns adding to the story in sequence. For instance, I'll write the first section, another writer will add to it, a third writer will pick up the story from there, and so on. So I'm proposing that we start the first ever Steemit writers exquisite corpse. If you wish to participate, simply reply to this post and say "I'm in," or something similar.

The rules are simple. I'll write the first post and set the sequence for everyone to follow. Each post should be at least 350 words and no more than 1,000. When it's your turn, you pick up the story where the last writer left off attempting to carry the narrative through to the end. The first writer in the sequence, me, will set the stage--introduce the antagonist, the setting, the situation, etc. The next writer will pick up the story where left off and pass the baton to the next writer in the sequence by an @ mention at the end of their post.

I'll write the first part of the story next Saturday. After that, the next writer can post theirs any time during the following week. Each writer picking up where the next leaves off can post their part of the story any time within a week of the previous writer's story and tag the next one in line. The final writer should give a good wrap and conclusion, tying up any loose ends.

When it's your turn to write, you can take the story any direction you want, but try to maintain the narrative connection with the rest of the sequences.

Feel free to ask questions in the comments if I didn't explain this clearly. It should be fun. Let's do it!

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