Little fighter~Part 2

The sun starts to rise. The light bounces in the lake, in the middle of the village. Some children run cheerfully. Among them were those who were busy playing tops and throwing neighbors' mangoes. Except for Mat Guci. This filthy dark-skinned boy was drowning in his reverie. Leaning on the base of anacardium occidentale tree, his eyes wandered somewhere. Every now and then he smiled. Not infrequently also his forehead wrinkled and muttered that only understood by him alone.

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"Hi, what are you daydreaming of boy?"

Mat Guci gasped. He looked for the direction of the voice asking. Raucous and heavy, this voice intonation sounds familiar to Mat Guci. But he did not believe that the voice belonged to someone he knew. Mat Guci turned right and left. Invisible what is sought. He scratched his head filled with irregular curly hair.

"Whoever you are, show yourself. I know your voice, but I don't dare to guess if it's someone I know, "said Mat Guci while returning to his knees under the thick green of the anacardium occidentale.

"Tok ..."

Suddenly, Mat Guci was then pounded with a coconut shell. Mat Guci grimaced. He immediately got up while looking for someone who threw him with a coconut shell filled with cow dung.

Although still 10 years old, Mat Guci is one of the little warriors in the Lhok Me Village. Almost every night he visited Pang Amin's house, which was located on Aramanyang cliff. Pang Amin is one of the tiger handlers. He is also good at silat, respected by people throughout the country. In addition to Mat Guci, Pang Amin also trained several young people from Gampong Lhok Me.

At Bale Siasah Pang Amin, Mat Guci is often relied upon as one of the competing trainees with the silat college from Indra Purwa and Indra Puri. He also often took Pang Amin to Sama Indra and to the Samudera. Occasionally, Mat Guci accompanied Pang Amin into the Seulawah jungle to Glee Geureudong to hunt wild animal, while meeting Pang Amin's pet tiger.

Mat Guci grabbed a stick that was always carried with him. "Come on, come out!"

From the side of the hill, you see black men with their hips. Her hair dangles long to the waist. His broad forehead contracted. A moment his eyes glared sharply at Mat Guci who had ready to fight. This man then walked over to Mat Guci while pulling klewang.

That kid suddenly limped. His jet black skin faded. Her slight lips were trembling. "Father!"

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Matahari mulai meninggi. Sinarnya memantul di telaga, di tengah desa. Beberapa anak berlari dengan riang. Di antara mereka ada yang sedang asyik mengadu gasing dan melempar mangga milik tetangga. Kecuali Mat Guci. Bocah dekil berkulit gelap ini sedang tenggelam dalam lamunannya. Bersandar di pokok jambu monyet, matanya menerawang entah kemana. Sesekali ia tersenyum. Tak jarang pula dahinya berkerut dan bergumam yang hanya dimengerti olehnya seorang diri.

“Hai, apa yang kau lamunkan budak?”

Mat Guci tersentak. Dia mencari arah suara yang bertanya tadi. Parau dan berat, intonasi suara ini terdengar tidak asing bagi Mat Guci. Namun dia tak percaya jika suara itu adalah milik orang yang dikenalnya. Mat Guci menoleh ke kanan dan ke kiri. Tak terlihat apa yang dicari. Dia menggaruk-garuk kepala yang dipenuhi rambut keriting tak beraturan itu.

“Siapapun engkau tuan, perlihatkanlah dirimu. Aku mengenal suaramu, tapi aku tak berani menerka jika itu adalah orang yang ku kenal,” kata Mat Guci sembari kembali bersimpuh di bawah rimbunnya pokok jambu monyet.


Sekonyong-konyongnya, Mat Guci kemudian ditimpuk dengan batok kelapa. Mat Guci meringis. Dia serta merta bangkit sembari mencari orang yang melemparinya dengan batok kelapa kerisi berisi tahi lembu itu.

Meski masih berumur 10 tahun, Mat Guci merupakan salah satu pendekar cilik di Gampong Lhok Me. Hampir setiap malam dia menyambangi rumah Pang Amin, yang letaknya di tebing Aramanyang. Pang Amin adalah salah satu pawang harimau. Dia juga jago silat yang disegani orang seantero negeri. Selain Mat Guci, Pang Amin juga melatih beberapa pemuda Gampong Lhok Me.

Di Bale Siasah Pang Amin, Mat Guci kerap diandalkan sebagai salah satu murid latih tanding dengan perguruan silat dari Indra Purwa dan Indra Puri. Dia juga kerap dibawa Pang Amin ke Sama Indra dan ke Samudera. Sesekali Mat Guci menemani Pang Amin masuk rimba Seulawah hingga Glee Geureudong untuk berburu cula badak, seraya menemui harimau peliharaan Pang Amin.

Mat Guci meraih sebilah tongkat yang selalu dibawa bersamanya. “Ayo, keluar kamu!”

Dari sebelah bukit terlihat pria berkulit hitam berkacak pinggang. Rambutnya menjuntai panjang hingga sepinggang. Dahinya yang lebar mengerut. Sejurus matanya melotot tajam ke arah Mat Guci yang sudah memasang kuda-kuda hendak bertarung. Lelaki ini kemudian berjalan mendekati Mat Guci seraya menghunus klewang.

Bocah dekil itu serta merta lunglai. Kulit hitam legamnya memudar. Bibirnya yang sedikit memble itu pun gemetar. “Ayah!”

Note: This article is a follow-up from my fiction title: The tiger handle. I hope you like it and appreciate the idea of a colossal theme.

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