Boy Meets Dog - Short Wholesome Fiction

Boy Meets Dog

By T. Dalton

His mom brought the dog home from the shelter. It was missing an ear. A mutt, somewhere between a beagle and a terrier. It pissed itself five minutes of entering the house. “Jesus,” Tony said. “Mom, why’d you bring home a retard?”

“Don’t call it that,” his mom said. “It came from a farm where they abused dogs. I told you I was getting you a present."

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This post is an entry in the twenty-four hour fiction contest, hosted here. The idea is to write a story in 24 hours. The prompt is: A little kid learns their dog can speak.

This story is probably the only thing close to wholesome I've written. I guess they should have gone back and murdered the bully, or the dog becomes an alien and consume's Tony's enemies. But I decided to leave it there. Anyway, thanks for reading.

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