Introduction to an original novel for steemit by dreemit, coming soon: Today Again

I have been fascinated by the idea of a day that repeats ever since I watched Bill Murray's movie Groundhog's Day when I was a young teen. Even then I thought that one day I would write a story with that premise though I would take it in a very different direction. I remember nights I lay awake imagining all kinds of scenarios revolving around this idea.

Well that day has finally come. I've written several chapters, along with pages and pages of notes, but for the most part this will be a write as I go novel. What I can tell you about it is that the main characters are Lissa and Caleb, ages 24, they grew up together but a falling out has left them estranged for many years. They have both made messes of their lives and one Thursday night in July their paths of self-destruction come to a head. And so starts the time loop.

Is it a journey within their own mind? Is it purgatory? Or is it a skip in the record of time?
Will they find out that they're not alone in this dream/nightmare? Will they find hope? Forgiveness? The meaning of life? The proverbial light at the end of the deep dark tunnel?
Is it an epic love story? A philosophical path of self-discovery? A tragic tale of what befalls you when you fail to take personal responsibility? Or a glorious quest for redemption and renewal?

Or is it a sojourn into every facet of these?

Whatever they find and whatever it is, I promise it will be an adventure, and I hope you will join me in embarking upon it.

For those who have been reading my 1)thought provoking and 2)controversial but otherwise 3)extremely clean Playground Series I feel the need to warn you that this novel, while hopefully being 1) and possibly being 2), will most definitely not be 3). Though fictional I strive for realistic, genuine characters, and even when a story line is fantastical I do my utmost to make it seem possible. Which means they will say fuck and shit and they will likely do fucked up shit. They will also say and do many great and lovely things (eventually), because that is the balance of this world and this life.

"What if tomorrow never came? What if every day was today, AGAIN?"

A dreemit at steemit original COMING SOON

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