Reborn: Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Austin walked up beside Jenna just in time to see Leo drape his arm around Anna’s shoulders and announce their partnership. His expression went from shock to anger, and if you knew him well enough you could see the hurt mingled in with it.

Jenna watched the facial changes and winced. “She tried to tell him she already had a partner, but he just sort of swept her away," she explained.

"Did he.” He said flatly.

"She's just flattered, every single dimwit girl in school is flattered when he deigns to talk to them, myself included, something about him…" Jenna trailed off thinking she probably wasn't helping.

"Something about him, yeah, he's an arrogant asshole who treats girls like playthings.” A muscle ticked in his jaw and he kept his eyes on the pair as he spoke. “Did you know that from his freshmen year on he took bets in September on how many cherries he was going to pop? That’s right, and then as he got older it was more specific, certain girls, the more challenging the better. Then he might keep the girl around awhile, but only until his next conquest. He's a fucking predator." He emphasized the last two words and turned to the girls, his expression dark.

Jess frowned, her previous excitement fading into worry. "So you think he's just trying to get Anna into bed? Because I heard from Carrie that he wanted to ask her out for dinner and a movie...

"Carrie? Wesler you mean?" Austin barked a laugh. "That little bitch is probably setting her up."

He spun around and took off across the beach to where Leo's friends were gathered, the girls trailing after him at a discreet distance.

"You got a bet going on boys?" Austin lit a cigarette and grinned wolfishly as he put it between his teeth.

"Bet? I don't know what you mean." Rodney tried for an innocent expression and failed miserably.

"Sure you do, come on, what's the stakes, what's the terms?"

"Why, you want in?" This from Kelley who over compensated for his girlie name with a major macho attitude.

"Hey dude, there is no bet." Rodney shot his friend a warning look.

Austin pulled a wad of money from his wallet. "Don’t you like cash?" He held the money up and raised an eyebrow.

"I like cash," Kelley grinned stupidly.

"Don't be an idiot dude, don't you see who followed him over here?" Rodney pointed to where Anna’s friends were gathered several yards away.

"Okay," Austin stuffed the money in his pocket and threw up his hands, "you got me. So how about you tell me what this bet is so I don't beat your asses into the ground." He dropped his arms to his sides and flexed his fingers, his eyes narrowed in hostility.

Rodney snorted, "You and what army?"

They had attracted some attention at this point and Nate came hurrying over with a couple of their friends.

"What's going on here?"

"Rodney here is about to learn firsthand what water boarding is if he doesn't start talking NOW, that's what the fuck is going on," Austin growled.

"He thinks they made a bet about Anna," Jess jumped in and pointed to where Anna and Leo were playing pong.

"I don't think it, I fucking know it!" He broke and rushed Rodney, taking him down to the beach as Nate and the others held Rodney's friends at bay.

Austin raised his fist, calculating his best shot....

"Okay, fuck, yeah we made a stupid bet, but I don't know why you're going after me, Leo's the one trying to fuck her man, he thinks he can get her in bed by the end of the week, Jesus, get off me!"

Austin climbed to his feet and turned towards the deck stairs. A number of people had crowded around them in an attempt to find out what was going on and he forced his way past them. He looked up at the second deck and locked eyes with Leo who was watching the beach intently. He started in his direction and when he reached the stairs he took them two at a time.

Anna intercepted him placing her hands on his chest, "What are you doing, what's going on?"

He ignored her, staring hard at Leo. "Leave. Now."

"Why?” Leo’s expression was all innocence. “What did those douche bags say?”

Austin picked Anna up and placed her behind him then stalked toward Leo who threw his hands in the air.

"Come on man, what's your problem?”

In a movement almost too fast to follow Austin's fist caught Leo on the jaw with a resounding crack and sent him flying into the stairs behind him.

Leo scrambled up a few steps holding his face as Austin advanced with his arm cocked back for another shot.

"All right, shit, I'm going, I'm going!"

Austin halted, his lip curving into a sneer of disgust as Leo turned and ran up the stairs, skating a glance over his shoulder to make sure he wasn’t being followed. When he reached the top he hollered for his posse before disappearing from view.

Anna, who had watched the scene unfold in startled confusion, finally recovered and turned on Austin. "Please tell me what the HELL that was about! Jealousy? So another guy can't talk to me or flirt with me because you're jealous? Do I have to warn every guy I meet that my best friend might beat them up if they stand too close?" She heard her voice rising and couldn't seem to stop even when she noted the flash of hurt in his eyes.

He didn’t reply, just stared at her with an unreadable expression. He shook his head and took a breath before turning and jogging back down the stairs.

She watched as he leapt off the last couple of steps feeling a sudden wave of dizziness. She had drunk the equivalent of two beers in ten minutes and the alcohol chose that moment to dive-bomb her head. She sat on a chair trying to get a hold of her runaway emotions. Come on light weight, she scolded, you've only had four beers total. But she knew that wasn't really it.

Jenna and Marina sat down next to her. "He made a bet about you," Jenna said quietly.

She looked at her questioningly.

"Leo bet his friends he'd have you by the end of the week, and when I say have you I mean have you."

Anna snorted. That would most definitely not have happened. As flattered as she initially was from his interest, within a few minutes of listening to him talk she knew he was not for her. Which was partially why she was upset, it was frustrating to not be able to give in to just a little bit of crushing. What would be the big deal if she made out with a guy that she knew was not in her future?

She winced, realizing she had just shouted at her knight in shining armor. "How did he find out?" she asked sheepishly.

"I guess Leo's pretty famous for making bets like that, so when he saw him with you...well he made the jackass’s friends 'fess up." Jenna patted her arm then gave her an earnest look. "I know that we can't force our feelings, but seriously Anna, you might want to consider it. He looked extremely hot taking Rodney down!"

"Yeah he did," Marina agreed, "manly."

Anna smiled a little. "I know, he looked pretty hot taking out Leo too.” Her smile faded and she blew out a puff of air in frustration. “I don't know what's wrong with me. It’s just that we've been friends for so long and I know that if we don't make it as a couple our friendship will be over...and that really sucks."

"I hate to break it to you sweetie, but I have a feeling your friendship will end eventually no matter what," Jenna told her.


"He wants to be with you, and the friend thing is definitely wearing him out. So you're either going to give the relationship thing a try or he's going to let you go. Don't ask how I know, I can just....see it."

Anna was quiet for a moment, her long raven-haired gypsy looking friend had an uncanny way of knowing things like that. "Okay, understood, but I can't decide right now. I want to drink some more, and have some fun. Beer pong partner?"

"Yeah, let's do it," Jenna grabbed cups and handed half of them to Anna.

Chapter Five

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