Reborn: Chapter Twenty Five "Legend of the Ancestors"

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Chapter Twenty Five

They settled on getting a hotel for the night, and Anna switched seats with Jenna, staring out the window as they drove, her head buzzing from the night’s events. She still couldn’t believe she’d pulled off the break-out. It was beginning to feel like her life had split into two parts, “Before Europe” and “After Europe”. Before Europe she would have given the situation serious thought before even bailing them out. After Europe? Forget bailing them out when she could just sneak in and bust them out!

She laughed and Austin glanced at her, eyebrow raised. She shook her head pressing a hand to her mouth to conceal the smile of bemusement that was stuck there. Looking out the window once more she decided her altered thinking process might have something to do with her new energy levels. Well that and all of her new talents which made her feel less like she was in the real world and more like she was in a sci-fi action thriller.

They drove for nearly an hour before deciding it was safe to stop somewhere. Jenna and Austin went in to the office to get two rooms then they filed into the McClaron’s room to talk. Anna sat down between Austin and Jenna on one bed and the brothers sank down on the other. When they were situated Anna started.

"Tell me about the Faerians."

Will spoke up, "Alright, where should I start. I guess with the story we were told, huh?” He looked at Josh who nodded. He cleared his throat. “It’s been passed down through the generations of our family, though we’ve found there are variations depending on who you talk to. Everyone has their own take I guess. Long, long ago," he grinned briefly then continued, "the Faerians lived on a secluded Island somewhere off the coast of Spain in the Atlantic sea. Many believe that this Island is actually Atlantis, though it can hardly be proven. The way my grandfather told it was they were believed to have come here from another world, whether by physical transportation or some sort of dimensional porthole is up for debate. Anyway they lived on this Island for an indeterminate length of time until at some point a portion of the Faerian men began looking at each other instead of their women to get some lovin'.” He flashed another grin and his brother raised his eyes to the ceiling, shaking his head.

"So two groups of women left the island, and when they reached land they went separate ways. One group came upon a village and because of their great beauty they were instantly taken as wives. It was discovered they had the gift of healing, something they were initially revered for, though eventually and over time there were some that considered it witchcraft...but that's a whole other story.” He leaned back and stretched, gathering his thoughts before continuing.

“They also lived a great deal longer than the average person, something like 3 to 4 centuries. The mixing of the blood created offspring who lived about half as long, which is still true to this day. The gift of healing was passed down to the females while the males were gifted with strength and speed, both lines with the ability to see the supernatural, which is how they became known as Seers."

He paused for a moment and Anna piped in. "What about the other group?"

"Ahh, the other group. Well they also came upon a village, but those who occupied it were not human. They were what we know of as the Vampire."

Anna exchanged startled looks with Austin and Jenna, and Will narrowed his eyes a little taking note.

"There are vampires," Josh added, "but once upon a time they were supposedly good."

Will nodded. "In fact our legend declares that vampires were once a race of only males who were created for the sole purpose of destroying demons and protecting humanity. They were considered warrior angels by those who knew of them. Then the Faerians entered their lives and changed everything. A vampire by the name of LeSauronde’dachielle fell head over heels in love with a young Faerian woman, and because of their faithful service to the Creator in the protection of his beloved humans he granted the vampire race the ability to breed, under the condition that they would die when their mates did. Eventually the entire line of vampire males took their mates and a whole new line began. Because of the dominance of the vampire DNA, every one of the children were born vampire. And there were females of their kind for the first time. This is where the story gets a little hazy, because some believe that all female vampires were born evil, while others contend that it happened over time due to jealousy." At their questioning glances Josh jumped in to explain.

"Supposedly the vampire females were far more aggressive and dominant than they're Faerian mothers, and though the males of their race could and did breed with them, they rarely fell in love or bonded with them, preferring the gentler natures of the Faerians. So, out of jealousy, the vampire females banded together and sought the help of demons to get rid of the Faerian women."

"But wait," Jenna cut in, "If all their children were vampires than where were they finding these Faerian women they're shunning their own kind for?"

"Good question, keep in mind we're talking many generations later, so the assumption is they found the Faerian humans, our ancestors if you will." Will sat back and thought for a moment. "That of course is all based on legend. What we definitely know is there are lines of Faerians that pass down the ability to "See" as well as prolonged life, and the females are all supposed to have the gift of healing." He looked quizzically at Anna.

"I don't know I've never tried, Richard mentioned it too, but..." she shrugged.

"Anyway, that's definitely making a long story short. In our family the men have been fighting demons for generations. Our father tried to turn his back on the lifestyle when he met my mom, not wanting to put her in danger, unfortunately danger found her anyway. A demon with a vendetta against our grandfather possessed a man in our town and killed our mother and infant sister." He waved a hand to stop their expressions of sympathy. "It was a long time ago, and the bastard’s dead, so it's good."

"Anna lost her mom too," Jenna spoke up, "though not like that."

"Something in common then, well besides the obvious," Will chuckled and Josh shot him a scolding look.

"Actually Jenna can see them as well." Anna jumped in. She went on to describe the Goddess meeting and what had occurred afterwards, leaving out the vampires for the time being.

"So you were a dormant. Wow, two Faerian women who just happen to be friends, what are the odds of something like that? Especially when they were thought to be no more." Will cocked his head and looked at them, his eyes unreadable.

"Actually," Josh said looking apologetic, "and I'm not saying that it's a sure thing, but unless either of you are healers, then you may not necessarily be Faerian. In fact it's supposed to be the identifying trait, otherwise you may just be humans who happen to be able to see demons. It happens."

Will nodded, his gaze pinned on Jenna. "You don't fit the physical description. All Faerian women are supposed to be smallish in size, like her," he shifted his gaze to Anna. "And fair-haired," he added.

Jenna shrugged. "I'm okay with that. Anna's the one who's been dealing with it for years, and with no one to guide her. At least when I started seeing them she was there to tell me I wasn't crazy."

Will looked at Austin. "By any chance do you have a pocket knife?"

Austin stiffened, "What for?"

"A little experiment. Don't worry, I’ll be using it on myself."

"You want to see if we can heal you," Anna stated. He nodded.

"That's a little over the top," Austin shook his head.

Anna looked at Austin and silently pleaded. She wanted to know and she was pretty sure the demon fighter could handle a little cut.

"Damn, this whole thing is just out there," he said, but he reached down in his right pocket and drew out a knife.

Will took it and in a swift movement he sliced the back of his arm.

Anna's reaction to the blood was instantaneous, she felt her fangs elongating and dove into Austin's chest. Stupid, stupid, she thought, didn't think about that, did you? Austin's arms went around her protectively.

"What's with her? She squeamish?" Will cocked a brow, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Jenna and Austin laughed nervously. "Yeah, a little."

When she got it under control she carefully looked back at Will who was studying her in a way that made her nervous. Intelligent eyes, she thought, they don't miss anything. She wondered if he might have had dual motives for his action.

She swallowed her fear and met his eyes directly. She could do this. She got up and sat next to him. He held his arm out and she put her fingers on the wound. As with all of her other abilities she concentrated everything she had on her task. She closed her eyes and pictured the cut sealing up and disappearing. She felt an electrical current, different than the static of dimming, more powerful and concentrated, travel from the center of her and then down her arm into her hand. She winced, feeling a bit of a sting on her own arm. She opened her eyes and found the cut had vanished and they were all staring at her in awe. Healed. Whoa, that was just…incredible.

"Well I guess that answers the question for you," he turned to Jenna, "Your turn?"

She shrugged and he sliced his arm again. This time Anna was prepared and easily contained her reaction. Jenna put her hand on it and looked like she was concentrating hard, but nothing happened. After a few minutes she shook her head. Anna touched the wound again and it disappeared more quickly than before.

"Well she's good to have around, huh?" Will grinned. "I could have used that trick a time or two."

"R'ight?" Josh grinned. "That's wicked awesome."

Austin stood up abruptly. "All right everyone, I think we've learned enough for one night, unless there was something more you needed to know right now?" He raised his brows at Anna.

She shook her head. What she wanted was to sate her need and get some sleep. She hadn't drank for a couple of days and though she didn't feel sick yet, she was starting to daydream about it, particularly after Will's little teaser.

"We'll be next door if you need us," Austin steered Anna out of the room with Jenna in tow.

She felt a little weird about the idea of drinking in front of her friend and started to pull Austin into the bathroom.

"No, don't guys, I actually want to take a nice long hot shower, so you know, do what you need to do." She brushed past them and they headed to the bed instead.

She followed the same routine every time, kissing first, then moving to his neck, then taking care of him. Although sometimes they stretched it out a little more, starting with a heavier make out session, but she didn't want Jenna to bust in on them so they made it quick. The entire time she was drinking she had her ears trained on the room next door. Will had gone into the shower so there wasn't anything to hear for a minute.

By the time she and Austin were finished Josh had just entered the bathroom, so she took the opportunity to talk to Austin before the eavesdropping session began.

"I guess I'll concede that they're legitimate," Austin spoke first and grudgingly. He seemed a bit more relaxed, probably from what they’d just done. "It’s highly doubtful they just pulled that story out of their asses."

Anna nodded. "It was nice to hear that vampires were originally good, even if they have defected to the other side since then."

"You don't know that they all have," he reminded her gently.

"Yeah, I know."

Jenna came out and the three of them discussed everything they'd heard in detail, particularly Anna's newfound ability.

She heard Josh exit the bathroom and shushed them.

Will spoke up first. "They're hiding something."

"Huh? Like what?"

"I'm not sure, it's just a feeling, but it's something to do with Anna and the invisibility thing."

"Come on Will, you can't seriously think that she's a...

"I said I'm not sure, but I've never heard of anything else that could do that."

There was a sigh. "Yeah well, like her boyfriend said, we learn something new every day. I mean how can we of all people not be open minded?"

"I know, but it's more than that. It's the tone her man had when he made that statement, and the way she reacted to my blood, did you see that? She panicked."

"People react that way to blood."

"I don't know."

"Okay, how could she be? She doesn't fit the bill, in fact her friend Jenna is far more the profile, even her eyes are nearly purple."

"Actually, I was wondering if maybe both of them, hell even all three..."

"I don't think so. If that were the case how wouldn't they already know the things we were telling them?"

"You're right. It's just...I don't know."

"Okay, what if you're right? They're obviously on our side. I know how dad feels about non-humans, but dad isn't the end all be all. He could be wrong."

"Maybe. Oh well, let's hit the hay and worry about it in the morning."

"Yeah, actually the daylight would be pretty telling."

"Not really, there are still some that can go out in it."

"Yeah, which we both have agreed in the past likely means the difference between the bad and the good."

"True....'night bro, glad we're back on this side of the wall."

"Me too, no matter what they are, they did this for us.”

When Anna was sure the conversation was over she related the details to Jenna and Austin.

"He's no fool, I'll give him that," Austin commented on Will's deduction.

"Look, now that you believe they are what they say, there's no reason why they can't come back with us."

"Actually there is, the police will be looking for them and they most likely have your visit on tape."

"But I didn't use my real name or show any ID."

"Doesn't matter, with the technology they have today...not to mention you were a missing person not too long ago, the file could still be there."

She had gone to the local PD to clear that up a few days after she’d returned home stating she'd left a message on Austin's phone about her change of plans, but he’d never gotten it. They hadn’t bought it, but it wasn’t as if she’d committed any crimes so it didn't matter what they thought of her failure to check in.

"Fine,” she conceded, “but they can't prove anything."

"No they can't, but that doesn't mean they won't come looking, so Will and Josh would be a whole lot better off hiding somewhere else."

She could hardly argue that point. She sighed heavily. They decided that the following day she would buy a car for the boys and give them some cash. She also intended to get them cell phones so she had a way of reaching them, because she definitely saw them in her future.

Generously created by @son-of-satire

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