The wake up call - Short story- Chapter one


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Peter was driving home from work. It was just after five in the morning and the rain was pouring down. He could hardly see the car in front of him. He just came from the hospital where he worked a double shift, and he hasn't slept in two days.  He was only able to take a short nap in between, which was interrupted in any case due to an accident on the highway. 

They had a shortage of staff due to a terrible flue-virus floating around, and it was only a miracle that Peter was still healthy. The virus had spread rapidly, and many of his co-workers had attracted the virus. They were literally working with skeleton staff and as head of the emergency room he was thinking of bringing in some locums to assist. 

The highway was busy for this time of the morning and he was glad when he finally made it to the off ramp. Only two more miles, then he would be able to take a shower and have a good night's rest. He took the turn and nearly ran over a cat that ran across the road. It gave him a fright and at first he thought that he hit it, but it ran across the road and disappeared into the bushes. 

He pulled into the driveway a few minutes later and struggled to find his house keys. He was so tired, he could have just sat here and slept for the rest of the day, but he managed to find the key under the seat, and finally made it inside the house. 

He was hungry, and checked the fridge for leftover food. He found pizza that he bought three days ago, and decided to rather throw it away. He scrambled some eggs as he knew he would be able to sleep better on a full stomach.  

He quickly gobbled it down and went straight through to take a shower. He felt much more refreshed after the shower and found another blanket in the cupboard because of the cold. He was in bed within a few minutes and plugged in his phone to charge next to the bed. He switched it on silent but set his alarm to wake him in eight hours.  

He really didn't care if the hospital burned down now...he had to get some rest. He was dead to the world in a matter of seconds. He did not hear the phone ringing off the hook next to him an hour later.  It was a phone call that would change his life forever and he missed it. 

 -To be Continued-




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