Time heals all wounds - An original story - fiction - chapter 5


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Peter got out of the car and smiled at the little boy. 

Come on Duncan don’t be shy, come say hello to my friend Peter.” 

Duncan hid behind Sarah when Peter walked closer. 

Don’t worry he’s just shy"

Peter walked closer and stuck out his hand. Within seconds Duncan relaxed and grabbed Peter by the hand.  

Come on Peter, I want to show you my new Lego’s, come play with me…” 

He dragged Peter towards the house. Peter looked back at Sarah and he could see the laughter in her eyes. Sarah laughed.

 ”No wait little man, Peter’s got to go, we can’t keep him here.” Peter turned around and walked back to the car.  

"I really have to go. I need to go and finish unpacking. My house is a mess."

"You went out of your way for me, at least let me make you some coffee before you go, then you can meet my brother William."  

"Sure, but I really have to keep it short. It’s been a rough few days. "

 They walked inside and William and Peter immediately liked each other. While Sarah made coffee, they chatted like old friends. They discovered that they had the same Alma mater, and by the time Sarah came back they were best friends.  

One cup of coffee turned into a few beers, and by the end of the night Peter was a little sad to go home. He was not in the mood to go to a cold lonely house. 

 He drove away knowing that he made the right choice to move down here. He’s made three good friends in a matter of days and he felt more excited than what he felt in months.  

He unpacked a few boxes and decided to get some sleep. For the first time in months he slept like a baby.  He was awake before his alarm went off, but he felt totally refreshed. The fresh ocean air made him feel more relaxed and he slept like a log.  He showered, ate breakfast and got to the office just before eight o clock. 

He just sat down behind his desk, when his phone rang. It was William. “Saturday is Sarah’s birthday. We’re having a little gathering for her, and we would love for you to come. I think we really hit it off last night, and  you’ll be a great addition to this party. I’m sure that you will welcome meeting some more great people."

Peter gladly accepted. Life suddenly seemed great. He had a great job, lived in a great town and met some awesome people.  

He was especially looking forward to see Sarah again

He was startled when Mary suddenly spoke next to him. “Hi Peter, would you be willing to take photos at a kindergarten concert? Blake our social event editor is off sick, and I promised him that I would cover for him. Honestly I know it is not as exciting as a murder scene, but I’m definitely not build to be behind a camera, and I will really appreciate it if you could come take some photos for me."

Peter laughed. 

"I am sure that a kindergarten concert might be more exciting than a crime scene. I love kids, it would be a pleasure. Shall we take my car?"  

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