Time heals all wounds - An original story - fiction - chapter 6

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The concert turned out to be such fun, and even Mary enjoyed to look at him while he took the photos. The kids were all very relaxed around him and he got some great shots. 

You’re going to make a great dad someday” Mary said when they got into the car.  

I’ve never really thought about having kids, ever since Dan and I got married last year we’ve been so busy we hardly see each other. I think life just has a way of sorting itself out, so perhaps the time will come.”  

Mary’s words hit him a little harder than he thought. Memories of Danielle came flushing back and all those months trying to have a baby made him feel sad all of a sudden.  

Life sure has a way of sorting itself out”…said Peter and he was surprised to hear himself speak. 

He couldn’t stop himself.  Mary just nodded and was busy texting so she didn’t take much notice of what he said. When they arrived back at the office he started editing all the photos and once he was satisfied he mailed them over to Mary and Meredith.  

"Who would’ve thought a year ago, that he would be in a new town, with a new job?"

A year ago, they were still trying very hard to have a baby… "Perhaps babies really do mess up marriages."  

He shrieked when Dan spoke next to him. 

You startle very easily don’t you?" said Dan laughing.  

Dan invited him out for dinner with him and Mary and he accepted. He could unpack a few boxes later tonight and there was in reality nothing dragging him home.  

The rest of the day went on quite calmly and there was about an hour left before he had to go to dinner. He decided to go home to take a quick shower, when his phone rang.   

Hey Peter its Sarah, I’m sorry to call you at this time but I was wondering if you could meet me a little later at the crime scene we went to the other day. Some new evidence came to light and I really need your view on things.”  “I’ll meet you there in half an hour” Peter said and grabbed his jacket. 

He was suddenly a little excited and drove straight to the crime scene.  

"I wonder what the new evidence were?" Peter thought to himself. He sat waiting in the car for nearly ten minutes before Sarah arrived. He was deep in thought when she knocked on the window. He smiled when he saw her. 

He was so relaxed with her and nobody would have noticed that they had met only two days earlier.  

"I’m glad you could make it ” Sarah said. “Some new evidence came to light. It seems that our local grocer is not as innocent as he appears to be. Turns out he hired a guy to do his dirty work. The guy that was murdered, apparently had an affair with his wife, and he owed him a lot of money. Classic love triangle. Then, when he realized that he might get caught, he hired some other guy to mess up the scene. Looks like Mrs Grocer is going to get away with everything after all."

Don’t women always get away with everything?” Peter said and laughed.  He got a very stiff look from Sarah and she suddenly did not look very amused. 

 “You have to start thinking before you talk” Peter said to himself. A passer-by looked at him funny and it was only then that he realized that he said it out loud again.  

He followed Sarah inside and when he entered the shop she was already talking to the woman behind the cashier. He took a few more photos and then walked outside to wait for Sarah.  

"I think I might have found what I’ve been looking for" Sarah said. 

"Thanks for coming with me. Please send over the photos so that I can add that to the collection." She turned around and walked to the car. 

Peter still wanted to say something, but she was already in her car pulling away.  

"Was it something I said?" Peter walked back to his car and went straight back to the office. He downloaded the photos to the computer and once done it was nearly time for him to meet Dan and Mary.  He quickly checked the photos and then mailed them over to Sarah.  

He then switched of his computer, took his jacket and went to meet his new friends Mary and Dan... all the time wondering what exactly happened that pissed off Sarah so badly.  

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