Time heals all wounds - An original story - fiction - chapter 8

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Peter fell asleep for a good three hours and when the pain medication wore off, he started to feel very uncomfortable again. His chest really hurt and his head was still throbbing.  

Besides the pain, and the fact that he felt sorry for himself because he was all alone with no one to take care of him, he was hungry and decided to drive down to the supermarket to grab a few things.  

He drove down to the shop and picked up what he needed. He stopped at the diner to have a burger, and then drove back home. It was already late in the afternoon and he felt much better after eating. 

Perhaps he should go down to the party after all. He took a quick shower and dressed appropriately. The party was on the beach so he dressed casually.  

He drove over to Sarah’s house after stopping at the flower shop to grab her some flowers. When he arrived, everyone was already walking down to the beach. He greeted William and little Duncan but Sarah was nowhere to be seen. 

He went inside to put the flowers down and then he saw her in the kitchen talking to some guy.  

They quickly stopped talking when he entered the kitchen.  

Sorry to interrupt, I bought you some birthday flowers, and I just wanted to put them in water.”  

Sarah seemed extremely glad to see him, and immediately walked straight over to  stand next to him. She seemed somewhat relieved. The guy she talked to seemed totally pissed off and slammed the door on his way out. 

 “Oh Peter, I am so glad you could make it. William told me what happened.  Are you ok?” 

Sarah seemed a bit nervous and didn’t sound like herself at all.  “Woah, hang on…what was going on here Sarah?” 

Peter felt as if he was interrupting a very important conversation.  

Sarah started crying. “I’m so sorry to have put you in the middle of all this…this mess…I didn’t mean for anything to happen. I think I caused a whole big mess.”

What’s going on Sarah? I think you need to explain. Let me get you a drink first to calm you down and then you can tell me.”  

He went to the dining room and poured her a stiff whiskey. She was sitting in the kitchen crying when he came back.  

“Come on Sarah, now you have some explaining to do.”  Sarah took a deep breath.   

Yesterday afternoon when we went out to the crime scene, I saw Ricard across the street. That’s the guy that was just here. He is my ex-fiancé. He cheated on me… more than once and right before the wedding I caught him with one of my best friends. I called off the wedding, put in a transfer and moved in with William and Duncan.” 

So that is why you behaved so weird yesterday?

 “I am sorry I behaved that way, I didn’t mean to. I was just so shocked to see the bastard.” 

She suddenly seemed like a little girl and all Peter wanted to do was to pick her up in his arms and carry her away to safety.  

“Then when I came home, Richard was waiting for me. I told him that I met someone else and that I wanted him to leave me alone. The only name I could think of was your name…so I told him that we were together and that he should leave me alone.” 

“Well that explains the stitches and the broken ribs” Peter said and smiled to her.  

Oh dear, I didn’t even think he would go so low…I am so sorry Peter... I honestly didn’t mean for this to turn out like this. You just seemed like the perfect guy and I honestly didn’t think he would go and hurt you…” 

Well at least now I know why someone tried to kill me” said Peter. 

Sarah smiled through the tears. “I am really sorry Peter, but hopefully he now got the message. You walked in now at the exact right moment.”  

Well, now I need a drink” Peter said.  He took the rest of her whiskey and swallowed what was left. 

Now that this is settled… may I now wish you a happy birthday?” Peter stood up and walked around the table.  Sarah stood up and gave him a hug.

Ouch, that hurts!” Peter said. He looked down to see the shock on her face and he bent down to kiss her. 

Who would’ve thought that one year ago, he would have the perfect job, live in the perfect town, have perfect friends, and NOW…be on the verge of having a perfect relationship. 

                                                                               -The end-  

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