Why Karma always comes back to you- A story with a moral value- fiction


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Once upon a time there was a little girl named Karma. Karma was an only child and lived with her parents in a small little house. They didn't have a lot of money but they were happy and they survived. One day Karma's mother sent her to the shop to go and buy some milk. While on her way to the shop, she came across an old beggar that was very hungry. Karma wanted to give him the money she had to buy the milk with, but realized that she would have to go home without the milk, and then her mother would be very angry. 


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So she continued on her way. As she walked along, she saw a young boy crying. She stopped to hear what was wrong and he told her that he'd lost the money his mom gave him to buy a loaf of bread.  Karma felt very sorry for him, but she couldn't give him her money because then she would not have enough left to buy milk. Karma felt terrible that she could not help anyone, but she had no choice, and continued on her way. 

When she came close to the shop she saw something hidden in the grass next to the road. She walked closer and to her surprise it was a brand new hundred dollar note. She picked up the crisp new note, and looked around to see if anyone around her was looking for the money.  She couldn't find anyone so she folded the note carefully and put it in her pocket. 

Inside the shop, she bought the milk that her mother wanted, but she also bought a loaf of bread and some extra food with the money she picked up. Karma was extremely happy now. On her way back home she followed the same route and  found the little boy still crying on the side of the road.  

"Don't cry little boy, look I bought you a loaf of bread. Now you can go home and nobody will be angry with you."  The little boy was very happy and thankful that Karma helped him.  

Karma walked further and around the corner of the next block she saw the hungry old beggar sitting on the sidewalk.


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" Come on sir, I bought you some food to eat, now you don't have to go and sleep hungry tonight."  The old man took the food from her smiling and was very grateful that he had some food to eat for the night.  

Karma felt very happy that she could help everybody on her way.  She smiled to herself, and while she walked she sang a little song to herself. 

Karma will come back to you

No matter what you do...

Karma will come back to you 

Or kick you with her shoe...

Karma just giggled and smiled to herself when she gave the milk to her mom. She put the rest of her money in her little piggy bank. 

Moral of the story:

Karma will always come back to you! (Everything you do to others WILL come back to you in some form.)  

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