#11.3 - The Microcosmic Human (An Original Fiction Series - Part 1)

Concept No. 11 - The Microcosmic Human

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It was a Wednesday morning in Canada and the media was outside The Modern Oxford School once again. It was the 17th child which was missing from this school from past 1 year. All the people of USA were watching the news reporters live on the television. The crying parents of the 17th student were printed on the first page of every newspaper with the photo of their 10 years old son.

"It is shocking to know that most of the missing students are mere adolescents and mostly toppers. Nobody has a clue why would someone kidnap a child and won't even call anybody to ask for money." A female reporter said standing outside the school's gate.

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"It is assured that the kidnapper does not want money. It is still a mystery why are the kids being kidnapped. Everyone is making their own assumptions about the intention of the kidnapper but nothing can be said for sure." A male reporter said on television being watched by the citizens of America.

"Parents are scared of sending their children to school now. Specially those whose children are good at studies, sports or any artistic activity because only the students with good skills have been kidnapped until now. It is presumed that the kidnapper is making the kids work for him to save his expense on skilled workers." Mr. Peter Anderson read out the lines from the newspaper in front of crying Mrs. Anderson.

"I should have never allowed Aaron to go to school yesterday but he said it was his best friend's birthday. Why did I listen to him. Oh my poor kid." Mrs. Anderson wiped her tears.

"Have faith in the almighty Mrs. Jane. The cops will find your son." Mrs. Katie rubbed Jane's shoulder.

"No one could find even the first missing child since an year. How can I keep faith Katie." Jane wiped her nose with the tissue from the 3rd tissue box kept beside her which was about to get empty.

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In one corner of the living room was standing Aleyna with both hands in her pocket, with her butt sticking to the wall, taking it's support. She wasn't looking that sad as all of her family members. She looked tensed instead. While she was lost in gazing the panicked parents and neighbours, her phone rang.

"It didn't turnout the way we planned it Finn. This was not supposed to happen." Aleyna went inside the room while speaking softly on the phone."

"I understand but we can not give up now. We need to stick to the plan !!" Said the other boy on the phone.

Aleyna took a deep breath. "Okay, so what's the news?"

"I received the last signal from outside the forest. Ask others to meet at my place asap !" Said the voice.

"LAST SIGNAL? What do you mean last signal?" Aleyna looked around and mumbled when she realized she spoke loudly. "Aren't you keeping a track of him?"

"I will tell you everything. Just be here ASAP !!" The phone got disconnected.

Aleyna sighed and looked at the disconnected call on the phone. She hustled and walked out of the house while everybody was busy getting stressed.

There outside the forest were lying Aaron's clothes. Some person's footsteps approached towards the clothes. He sat down and his hands searched the pockets of Aaron's shorts and took out a white crystal.

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"You should be careful." Aleyna spoke from behind and Finn turned to look back when suddenly the forest in which they both were standing vanished away to turn into Finn's basement. "Simon and others might reach here anytime." Aleyna stepped forward.

"It is time to tell them." Finn stood up and turned towards Aleyna.

"Yes. This is what we have been waiting for so far." Aleyna put her hands in her Jeans' pocket and rolled her shoulders. Where are these guys anyway. I called them on the way here." She looked at her watch when suddenly they heard some footsteps climbing down the stairs.

"Hi Aleyna. I am so sorry to hear about your brother." Simon climbed down from the stairs.

"Hmm." Aleyna sighed.

"Yes me too. I didn't expect it to turn out this way." Ben followed Simon down the stairs.

Eric hurried down the stairs and stood behind Ben and Simon.

"Hi Aleyna, hi Finn. What's the plan now." He asked excitedly.

Everyone looked at him with an expressionless face. "What?" Eric looked at everyone's face when Ben rolled his eyes towards Aleyna and then back to Eric. Eric looked at Ben and then Aleyna. "Ohhh !! I am sorry to listen about Aaron. I wish I was the one to be kidnapped instead. He is just a kid." Said Eric in a tremored voice.

Everyone remained silent for a while.

"Anyway. I hope you all carry your crystals with you all the time." Finn rubbed his hands and looked in everyone's eyes.

"What can those stones do anyway. Those guys still took Aaron." Eric hissed and sat on the table kept nearby.

"You don't have the crystal with you. Do you?" Aleyna spoke evidently. "Ahh. It must be somewhere at my home." Eric waved his hand.

"Finn, it will be almost an year in a month. When are you going to tell us why do we always have to carry these crystals everywhere?" Simon stepped forward.

"Today." Finn took the support of the table kept beside him with his hands in his pockets. Everyone got surprised and attentive.

"Okay go ahead then. What are we waiting for?" Ben also took a seat on another table.

"Close your eyes." Said Finn.

Eric looked at Finn all surprised.

"Just do it guys." Aleyna closed her eyes. Watching Aleyna do it, others also followed.

"Open them now." Finn said.

Everyone opened their eyes to find them all standing in Eric's home.

"What the f..." Eric jumped up from the table, this time from the one in his room. "Oh my God. How did we get here." Ben stood up from Eric's bed and turned all around in complete surprise.

"Where is your crystal Eric?" Aleyna asked.

"It was, it might be in my drawer." Eric mumbled, still trying to understand what just happened.

Finn walked towards the drawer and took out the crystal in his hand, the same way he did from Aaron's pocket outside the forest.

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To be continued...

If you love fictional stories or want to learn how to write, there can't be a better writer then @dreemit. Have a look at her blog and her ongoing series of the fiction story "UNPROVEN". Here is her latest CHAPTER-16.

What do you think will happen to Aaron? What is the mystery of crystal? How did they all reach Eric's house?
Stay tuned for the next part to know more.


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