A Giant Peace - A Children's Fictional Tale

Once upon a time, there were two giants called Stomp and Plod and it was their job to keep the world in peace.

Source: Pixabay.com

One day, the giants saw two sets of armies fighting against each other, so Stomp scoops up one whole army in his massive hands and Plod shoveled the other army up in his huge hands.

They walked in opposite directions from each other with big giant strides and when they thought they had walked enough miles apart, they put the armies down again.

But Stomp and Plod had such long legs and strides to match, they had both walked around the whole world and put the armies back down in front of each other again and so they started fighting again.

This time when Stomp and Plod picked them up, they agreed to walk half the amount that they did last time, to make sure that they didn't start fighting again.

This time Plod also put the whole army high up in the trees with no way of getting down, without help.

Plod told a local man about the army and how they were up in the trees and about an idea that might make the army feel peace at last

So the local man found the army in the trees and he asked them “Can I help you down?”

“Yes, please” was bellowed from the trees.

“Then you need to leave all your guns in the trees, never to be used again,” said the local man.

This was met with silence and the man walked away. He came every day and told them stories of love and kindness...

But he didn't ask if he could help them again until a further week had gone by.

Then every day he came to tell stories of happiness and joy and peace.

In exactly one month he asked the same question “Can I help you down”, but this time the army did decide to leave their weapons in the tree and the man climbed up the tree and helped each one down, one by one.

Stomp put the army he was carrying deep in a pit with no way of getting up, without help.

Stomp told a local man about the army and how they were down in a pit and about an idea that might make the army feel peace at last.

So the local man found the army in the pits and he asked them “Can I help you up?”

“Yes, please” echoed from the pits.

“Then you need to leave all your guns in the pit, never to be used again,” said the local man.

This was met with silence and the man walked away. He came back every day and told them stories of love and kindness...

But he didn't ask if he could help them again until a further week had gone by.

Then every day after that he came to tell stories of happiness, joy, and peace.

In exactly one month he asked the same question “Can I help you up?”, but this time the army did decide to leave their weapons in the pit and the man throws a rope down and helps each one up, one by one.

Neither army wanted to fight anymore.

The kind strangers had shown them another way and the armies were no longer armies, but people enjoying being in loving and kind towns, halfway across the world from each other, where everyone helped one another out.

They felt peace in their hearts for the very first time and any remaining anger, Plod and Stomp caught it and threw it far beyond the moon and stars.

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