Mystery of the snowbank: A fifty-word short story

Mystery of the snowbank

(Image credit: Unsplash photo by Noah Silliman)

Snowflakes fell onto Joanna’s cheeks and eyelashes. She laughed and chucked another snowball.

Lucille threw one back, but Joanna ducked. “Race you!” She ran toward a snowbank. They scrambled to the top, Lucille beating her by a mitten.

As they wrestled for domination, the mound shifted beneath them and groaned.

Thanks for reading!

I'd love to know what you think. My goal was to start out light and happy and shift the mood toward something dark. All good stories have a "shift," but it's really tough to carry it off in 50 words! And that is just one reason why I love this challenge.

To learn more about 50-words....

The most recent #fiftywords prompt post is here: Fifty-word story round-up and fresh prompt.

And here's a post about the awesomeness of this challenge: Fifty-word challenge: FAQs, ideas, motivation and showcase.


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