The man in hiding

This is a #fiftywords story post on the theme of Crime, based on the weekend prompt by @miniature-tiger. This one definitely stretched my skills! I am not well-versed in crime or crime writing. But I do love this challenge of telling a story within the 50 word limit. In fact, all three of my contributions to this challenge have all been exactly 50 words: Mermaid Dreams, and Time to say goodbye.

The man in hiding

Photo credit: Pixabay

First just burns. That got their attention. They saw a pattern. Then better explosives. People losing fingers, hands. Finally one death, then two. He would make them stop building their futuristic technologies with his Industrial Society and Its Future manifesto. Another death.

They will come for him. They will come.

Thank you for reading. In case you'd like to revisit this period of history, here's my information source:


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