A Day in the Clouds - Original Novel for Steemit Series Announcement


Having one’s head in the clouds is often defined as being unaware of what is really happening around you because you are paying too much attention to your own ideas. It’s often regarded as a derogatory term for people who don’t seem to have a firm grasp of reality. I’ve always thought of it as kind of the opposite.

When I was younger, I always found myself walking around aimlessly, lost in my own world. People thought that I had mental issues or I was seeing things that wasn’t there. From an outside perspective, it did indeed look like I was bouncing around while talking to myself, but in my head, there was so much more. I created vast realities, interesting characters and vivid storylines. I could last a whole day in an empty space and not feel even the slightest bit of boredom.

No one else understood, until I started writing the stories in my head. But, this story isn’t about me.

“A Day in the Clouds” is a story inspired by my nephew, Ethan Zeppelin Gipit, and his everyday life. Zepp, as he’s fondly called, has Global Developmental Delay. I started writing this a year ago, but he currently has a chronological age of 5, developmental age of a 2-3 year old, expressive speech of a 15-month old, receptive speech of a 2-year old and gross motor age of a 2-year old.

This story is told from what I imagine Zepp sees. Partially influenced by my own childhood, how does the world look from the perspective of someone so innocent? I want readers to look at ordinary everyday events with fresh eyes. What was the feeling like when you experienced something for the first time, with childhood naiveté? Open your minds to the excitement of experiencing what most of us now consider as average.

Mind you, even though his development may seem like baby steps, like his namesake, he’s rocking each and every one of them! As for now, I wanted to give a voice to the voiceless, until he can confirm if what I wrote here has some shred of truth.

Silent mental conditions are often misunderstood and underrated. Most people just pass it off as an affliction or something some people suffer from. I wrote this in hopes of spreading awareness that those thoughts are misguided, and to inspire families to never lose hope. Everyone has an inner light that they could all share to the world, some just take a little bit longer.

How I wish I could relive even one day of careless bliss! To be limited only by my imagination, to break free from the bonds of normalcy. If no one understood me back then, I still don’t understand how having your head stuck in the clouds would be something negative.

Feel free to leave well wishes for Zepp or share stories of people who have the same condition in the comments section. Share this story with others and spread the word. I will transfer the STEEM earnings (50%) to Zepp's parents to help with the expenses, while I'll match the amount of Steem Power (the other 50%) by donating to studies and research firms that work hard every day to conquer Autism, Global Developmental Delay and the like. My cousin and her husband has been busy with work, taking care of their children and taking out-of-town trips, so I'll post an update when they have registered for Steemit.

Caring for a person with special needs takes very special people, but also requires extra money. Steemit has such a huge potential to help those in need. Imagine, one simple click could change a person's life in such a positive way! That is the game changing stuff that puts this platform a cut above the rest.

Most importantly, to Zepp, keep on rocking and we’ll be waiting for you when you finally speak up and share your inner light with the world.



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