An alternate Earth’s story – Fiction.

There are natural boundaries that shall not be trespassed, but sometimes there is no other option when desperation takes over our actions. In an alternate universe, many years ago, Earth was under siege. A parasitic race invaded the planet in search of new resources, as they had already done with hundreds of other planets. Humanity’s weapons did not affect them much, so scientists had to figure out new technologies to defeat them, or else they would have faced extinction. However, it seemed to be almost impossible, as these invaders could resist any physical attack humans used. More deliberately powerful weaponry was developed, which all turned down to be useless against their enemy. Therefore, they stopped attempting any physical damage and focused on a new target: their minds. One neuroscientist had the key for victory. He inserted nano- transistors inside his own son, which amplified his neural activity, to a point where he could influence other’s neurons. In other words, mind control. He succeeded, and with it, hope came.

-Alright, Leo, remember to stay focused. You have already trained with us what to do. They are just like us, remember. – Said Col. Huggs, squadron leader.

-I am scared. – Replied a 14-year-old Leo Whickman.

-Don’t worry, kid. We have you covered. Now, go and show them who is the boss!

Just like that, Leo and the squadron jumped off a tank right in the core of the battlefield. He had already tested his abilities on the Rampos (the alien invaders), but never had he done it in the heat of the battle. He was wearing a special suit that could resist most of the enemy’s blows, but not in great quantities. The Rampos usually used plasma guns, which would penetrate very easily through steel and flesh, but the suit’s alloy managed to take a couple of those shots.

It was the Colonel’s duty to guide Leo through the battle so he could gain real life experience.

-Look, boy, there is one on your right alone. Let’s get closer to him and you’ll do your thing.

-Copy that.

When Leo gets inside someone’s head, he can feel all of his emotions. He can navigate through his victim’s memories and learn from that. He creates a bond with his host. The reason why this Rampian soldier was alone was because, just like Leo, it was his first mission. He barely knew what to do besides all of his training. He was a dishonor to his family as he got horrible grades at the academy. But Leo had no time for his emotions, even though they were almost his too. He soon tells his host to start shooting his allies. He managed to kill twenty-three members of his own crew, who soon realized what was going on, so they fired back at him. Both men and Rampons were perplexed at the situation. When Leo controls someone, they feel totally conscious of their actions. The Rampian soldier felt horrorized of what he was doing, and Leo could feel the same too.

The next thing the Colonel tells Leo to control is the individual who was driving one of the enemy’s tanks. Leo could do it very easily too, and he did not even need to know how to use a tank. All he had to do was tell his host from the distance what to do, and he simply did it. He blasted a whole squadron of his own troops and one of the commanding ships. The Rampons were astonished. They had to blow up their own tank now, to prevent more damage.

During his training, Leo could mind-control up to 67 human adults, so the Colonel tells him he should be ready to take over the minds of five Rampian soldiers. And so he did. It was a very simple task for him, but there was something different this time. He could feel the hatred those aliens felt towards humanity. Leo struggled not to be consumed by it. The next thing he does is tell them to kill themselves. Such a frightening sense for those creatures, Leo included. Leo’s will was theirs, and just like that, they activated some of their especial grenades and blew themselves up.

Right after, Leo did not wait for the Colonel’s orders, and controlled 10 enemy soldiers. This time, he told them to shoot savagely at their own squadron, and of course they did. Fear dominated Rampons, who did not know what was going on. Leo was able to deal with their fear very easily, though. What followed was he telling the Rampian ship commander to crash against the other ships, which generated their first defeat on Earth.

Humanity celebrated that night. Their savior had arrived!

Battle after battle, Leo was humanity’s leader for victory. And with such a lethal weapon, the enemy’s retreat was inevitable. After only two months of Leo’s intervention, the one hundred thousand ships reduced to only a few hundreds, and they had no alternative but to flee.

Nevertheless, the scars of war changed Leo. Every time he submitted an enemy soul to his command, their hatred and hunger for conquering planets corrupted his own thoughts. He enjoyed war now. The way he could do whatever he pleased with other beings’ minds and bodies, became an addiction. He wanted more of it and there was nothing to stop him.

All hail Leo Whickman, humanity’s ruler.

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