A Story Written by Me

The Lorilye shuddered under the tremendous winds howling along her battered hull. James screamed, "CAPTAIN!", though the turmoil going on deafened anyone's ear to conjure a reaction.

The storm raged and tore on for the better part of a week. Nary did the ship yield to 'Davey Jones' instead she processed forward when truly she was a foundering vessel the sea the only guided. The helmsman Walter Abraman had been killed when a pulley worked loose, swinging violently and crushed his skull.

Captain George von Zerngaulder, a coward by nature, stayed close to the oaken barrels for at a moments notice would crawl inside one when had the ship began to taken on water. This wasn't the case she took on no water and the food stores dwindled and his obfuscation soon revealed.

The bosun James Cardinal kept searching. Sometimes into the dawn by lantern's light. He called for the captain over and over day by day. Until finally the captain sprang from his wooden prison and begged for mercy at the bosun's feet. The bosun replied, "You worm, I will not give you quarter." With that the bosun grasped George around the neck and garments, with both hands and drug him wailing like a babe to the top deck. Afterward strapping him to the main sail to live out his life in agony, a cowards death, indeed. It took George the better part of a week to die. His cries were so persistent that the crew should cut him to ribbons in a moment but then that was why he was made an example for all to see.

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