How Life Defines You - Part 8 - Endurance

Here's where we left things in the previous post:

They moved fast and with clear purpose, she hesitated for a moment in shock as she saw a large group of riders clad in green - rising over the bank of the river further upstream, where she had begun her crossing.

They were closer than she'd realised and she knew they would search the bank, find her tracks and the traces of blood - fear sparked her sense of urgency, now she must run!

Mila launched herself towards the thickened scrub behind her, causing it to scratch and tear at her face and arms, unlike the grass fields the brush built up higher and higher forming a dense coverage that lead up the mountain.

Using branches and trunks she levered her body up the suddenly steep landscape, her palms grazing along the rough bark as she continued.

Her hair and dress were beginning to dry with the warmth of the day, the leaves strapped to her feet were beginning to wear in places but had held up amazingly well - due in part to the small girls lightweight footfalls.

After running as fast as she could uphill she decided to dart left and head further north hoping her pursuers would believe she had continued on her original path - maybe she could have them slip past her.

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She now ran sideways along the steep slope of the mountain's base, clutching desperately to the tree trunks as she slipped whilst trying to cross the treacherous path.

Mila's heart skipped when the loud whine of a horse sounded behind her, she froze in panic and flattened her body against the coarse grain of the nearest tree she could scramble to - allowing herself to peer back and see her enclosing pursuers.

Her breath quickened at the sight of 13 horses and their riders galloping at speed directly across from where she had just been, the horses feet pulverised the grass covered fields - churning up large clumps of soil and grass in their wake.

"Shit" the small girl spat in almost muted frustration and again propelled herself forward at breakneck speeds, taking massive leaps across the unforgiving terrain.

They gained on her every moment, she was fast but no match for a horse running at speed - she knew every inch she gained now would hinder their efforts to follow, when they would be forced to to dismount and follow her on foot.

She stayed impressively quiet as she moved with intense effort and speed, whilst the canopy above her was thick and shielded her from the sun's harsh mid morning rays - they couldn't repel the heat that hung in the air between the countless trees that closed in around her.

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Perspiration trickled down her forehead and stung her eyes as she desperately blinked away the searing pain it induced, not allowing it to interfere with her pacing as she fought to make more ground.

She now heard a harsh sound filtering through the trees ahead, uncertain what lay before her she risked another glance behind, only to see the soldiers reaching the edge of the mountain and dismount - all but one who remained, he seemed to converse with the others before rushing full speed back towards the estate.

Mila brushed aside her concern for the lone rider probably sent for reinforcements, an almost gleefully satisfied smile crept across Mila's face as her eyes flashed with pure delight - her plan had worked she knew on foot the soldiers had little chance to catch her, unless by some chance she was forced to stop.

With a delighted silent chuckle she sprang forward with new resolve almost gliding her way through the rugged landscape, as she moved the strange sound she'd heard before grew louder with every step she took.

Once the soldiers were on foot Mila realised she wouldn't be able to see them coming, she knew she must keep her own pace ensuring her pursuers couldn't gain on her position.

Before long she learned what was making the strange sounds, now a booming roar she saw a raging rapid coursing violently down the mountain.

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Mila hesitated at the sight she glanced behind to gauge her progress and time until her followers would be upon her, she leaned down and felt the cold sting of the freezing water hurtling down the mountainside.

Ice melts she thought to herself standing she looked along the shore of the raging river, dismissing the option to stay on this side of the river - she gagged the distance to the other side, too far to jump.

She then looked up and the sly cheeky smile crept back as she eyed a large branch that stretched out over the turbulent waves that coursed violently down stream - she could see it didn't reach the entire width of the river, but she knew this was her chance.

She traced back to where the branch joined a massive ancient tree, but before moving she intentionally scuffed the edges of the bank with her feet leading into the water - she then sped to the tree's base and effortlessly scurried up the trunk, the last shreds of their leafed foot coverings tearing apart as she climbed.

Manoeuvring her body to lay along the large hanging branch , she began to inch her way forward along the tapering length.

Once she reached halfway across the river, she felt the branch begin to bend and move as she came closer to its unsupported end.


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Upon judging she could go no further safely she wrapped her arms around the branch, then eased her legs over the side to dangle below - before quickly adjusting one hands grasp, so she now hung directly below the branch.

She then began to swing her legs back and forth then as momentum peaked, she would propel herself forward moving closer to the end of the branch's reach.

With her next lunge forward the branch bowed and flexed with the new strain, she again judged her distance to the opposite bank - only just past the halfway mark.

She pulled back her feet then forced them forward with all her might, then again and again picking up momentum with each swing then she released her grip - her legs extend out, her body gracefully flowing behind.

She arched her back as she reached the peak of her ark and now began to move down more than across, returning her body to more of an upright position readying herself to land.

Her body appeared weightless as she glided with ease through the air, her hair extending out behind her in a wild flurry - her eyes focused on where she was about to land.

In the very edge of the freezing cold waters, she knew her heavy landing would leave tracks for the soldiers to find and follow - so she intended to land in the shallows of the fast flowing waters, to hide any trace she had made it across.

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With an icy splash she landed in the frigid water, wincing in pain from the combination of her damaged feet and the stabbing burn of the super cold water.

Managing to maintain her balance in spite of the cold and pain, she carefully raised one foot and gently placed it onto the leaf covered bank - then slowly repeated the movement with her remaining foot, now back onto the comparative warmth of the dirt she felt heat begin to slowly return.

She now moved slowly and methodically towards the trees that edged the shore, once reaching their cover she moved behind a large tree trunk and then she began running again - gaining more speed with time, once she was sure her tracks couldn't be seen from the other bank.

She hoped the soldiers would think she was swept downstream whilst trying to cross and not surprisingly, lost her footing in the strong currents and freezing temperatures - if she was lucky they would be looking for her in the wrong place.

Now left moving with bare feet again she struggled to maintain her footing on the hostile forest floor, twigs and branches ripped into her already tender and broken flesh.

She hobbled more than ran coursing deeper and deeper into the dense covering of trees, the further she travelled the hotter the day grew but the darker her surrounds appeared - she glanced up as she continued forward, the canopy of massive trees only permitted faint beams of light to penetrate it's dense coverage.

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She guessed what the time would be as she laboured on, holding her stomach in sympathy as it rumbled in vocal protest - at least midday she thought to herself, then as her stomach rolled again she resigned to herself maybe mid-afternoon.

The hours continued without pause for rest but now light faded fast, with each step Mila realised she could see less distance around her position.

Mila knew night was approaching fast, she needed to find shelter and warmth to survive the cold of night on the mountains, plus she longed to rest her aching limbs.

Now she searched for anything that could possibly serve as a suitable shelter, to make it through the coming cold of night.

She glanced up the slope further, seeing a large rocky outcrop she swiftly made her way up the steep incline - at the summit stood a small alcove covered by a massive boulder.

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Unwilling to waste time she gathered fallen branches to reduce the size of the entrance, she then scrambled to gather small twigs and branches into her temporary shelter.

After she was satisfied she had enough wood for a fire, she indulged in the fading light and collected fresh leaves to cover her stony floor and offer her some additional heat for the coming chill of night.

Relieved for rest to be in sight she entered her small refuge and began filing the edges of a small stick until it was smooth, she then began methodically and steadily spinning the tip into another larger fatter stick until an ember sprung into existence.

She expertly fed the smoking morsel from her own breath until it grew in size before adding small twigs, then larger sticks and branches - before long she had a small fire burning obscured from view, inside her small makeshift shelter.

Mila tried to relax while she tended her wounds as best she could, using her teeth to tear lengths of her dress to cover the torn skin after she had removed as much of the dirt, leaves and debris that she could - whimpering and wincing throughout the process unwilling to allow herself to cry out and draw unwanted attention.

Once both her feet and hands were wrapped she felt ill from the excruciating effort, no longer bothered by hunger and exhausted from her efforts - she fought to keep her eyes open, as they fluttered uncontrollably against her will.

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She was laying back into the mound of soft leaves she'd gathered, the branches blocking the entrance to her refuge swayed in the blowing wind that flowed freely down the mountainside.

Her small fire flickered and danced on the breath of the wind, it was the last sight she saw before her eyes forced themselves closed - she passed out from complete and utter exhaustion.

To be continued...

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