How Life Defines You - Part3 - The Choice

Here's where we left off in the previous post:

choking back a laugh Evanvar responded "No one else would choose to live here, as it is it isn't worth the funds to repair it - one less thing to worry about" Hernan looked at Mila and gave a sigh of resignation.

Mila looked on in horror "Father please, no!" she pleaded.

Hernan buried his face in his hands unwilling to look his young child in the eye, Lord Evanvar saw the man was fighting with the decision so he pressed further "If she stays you will be both be homeless, how will you care for her then?"

Mila stood staring in silence unable to comprehend what was happening, she felt somewhat detached from the events that were unfolding in front of her she couldn't believe her father would even consider the Lords proposal.

Evanvar observed the young girls shocked stare directed at her father, his own eyes dropped with sudden sadness he knew his actions would tear this family apart - but at least at some level he truly thought the young girl would be safer in his care.

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"Here" he stated throwing a small pouch of coins to the ground next to the dancing flames of the fire, it landed flatly with a thud and the gentle clang of the metal kept inside.

The familiar sound saw Hernan's head snap up his eyes intently focused on the small pouch on the ground in front of him, Lord Evanvars eyes glistened in anticipation of his impending success.

"That's enough gold to serve your needs for a year, if you're smart about it - now what is your decision?" the Lord demanded, Hernan rose from his bed in a silent rush - stumbling across the room to a large chest.

He began to rummage through the contents of the chest until he located what he was searching for, as he stood up with his back to the Lord and his daughter - he stared at the object in his hand with intense focus.

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He suddenly turned and approached his young child who stared up at him with tears brimming her eyes, "This was your mother's" he paused while his fingers traced the edges of the metal pendant that hung from a long silver chain.

"I saved it for you, she would have wanted you to have it." said Hernan sorrow clear in his voice, as he placed the necklace on his daughter - then without further word he quickly pushed her towards the large form of the waiting Lord.

Hernan only said "Take her" and thrust her at Lord Evanvar who swept her out the door without a moment's hesitation, Mila had tears streaming down her cheeks but remained in stunned silence - how could he chose gold over her.

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