Keltorin's Flora and Fauna of Note - Banded Ant - Valcanne's Guide to Keltorin

Flora and Fauna

The following contains information pertaining to the different Flora and Fauna found on Keltorin, this is not a complete guide it only contains records on species of note for abilities or harm they may cause.


Banded ants are much larger than the common garden ant and they grow up to five cms in length, they are not only characterised by their size they are also easily identified by the thick dark bands that cover the dark red abdomen of the species.

They have lighter red colouration on their heads and thorax, this is coupled with pincers capable of inflicting multiple painful bites a second - but also used to stabilise their bodies while they use the stinger located at the end of their abdomen.


Given their larger size and the numbers of ants living within colonies, they take down prey much larger in size than their smaller cousins.

If you encounter one and kill it you must move quickly, the rest of the colony will start to swarm to the sight of the dead.

A single person can handle several however the longer it takes to kill them and run the more ants will show and the harder the task many are killed by this alone - this is why if you encounter them only kill them as a last resort and run away from any seen before an attack occurs.

With their larger size they see full grown men as a potential food source, so it is best to avoid at all costs - however if bitten the Banded ant will release a venom into your bloodstream.

Once the venom is in the blood the victim will start to feel fevered and will usually get stomach sickness, it is important to watch the victim doesn't enter shock during this time.


Once a person has been bitten it is important to ensure they get Tellums leaf tea for the fever, this can be combined with the Fellar vine to aid with the stomach sickness.

They will undoubtedly require Cintar seeds for pain relief, once the fever has passed the victim will be comforted by the Itono Bush paste applied to the sight of the bite.

The most bites sustaine and survived was 32, though the man bitten was extremely large and healthy.


They appear to be located in the Emerald Forest, however there is a possibility that they will be located elsewhere on Keltorin with ants it is hard to determine specific locations.

All images are linked to my steemimg gallery with more information

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