Keltorin's Flora and Fauna of Note - Firikwea - Valcanne's Guide to Keltorin

Flora and Fauna

The following contains information pertaining to the different Flora and Fauna found on Keltorin, this is not a complete guide it only contains records on species of note for abilities or harm they may cause.


The Firikwea is a small light framed flightless bird with a bright and colourful neck and a black or brown crest atop its head, with a short but rounded beak, and large brown eyes.

It has a small body that continues in the colours of the neck often blue, green and black the birds come in a variety of colourations.

It has two long thin looking, powerful legs and at the end of each foot it has four large curved talons, the birds mainly feed by digging in the rainforest for bugs and small insects hiding below the soil's surface.

They are extremely fast and agile birds and can seem to appear out of nowhere and disappear back into it.


They are timid when alone, but willing to get close to people they have been known to follow people travelling alone or in small numbers.

The birds seem harmless however as they follow they chirp and scratch and make a lot of commotion, often described as cute and sweet behaviour.

This seems to be their way of alerting other Firikwea to their location, if this occurs the person should be concerned when a group of fifteen to twenty of the animals arrive they will suddenly and viciously attack.

They attack as a group on mass and won't stop until the victim is killed or incapacitated, they then eat the victim it seems as though they live mostly solitarily however they will choose and even prefer to work as a group to take down a bigger meal and all have a surplus of food.

When they attack they not only bite and peck but they gouge massive chunks of flesh out of whatever their talons strike.


There is usually no need for treatment as all so far have died from the attack, the best action is prevention if you encounter this animal it is wise to either kill it quickly before it alerts others of your location or to run and ensure it has lost all sight and trace of you before you stop.

They will keep calling even after your out of view to alert others of your presence listen for the calls to ensure you have avoided them properly or they will continue to hunt you indefinitely.


The Firikwea are only known to be residing in the Emerald Forest at present but it cannot be ensured these birds don't reside elsewhere on Keltorin.

All images are linked to my steemimg gallery with more information

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