Keltorin's Flora and Fauna of Note - Mentoch - Valcanne's Guide to Keltorin

Flora and Fauna

The following contains information pertaining to the different Flora and Fauna found on Keltorin, this is not a complete guide it only contains records on species of note for abilities or harm they may cause.



The Mentoch are mostly found inhabiting the higher grounds of the Varin Range, often found around the many rivers and large pools of melted snow that create them.


Mentoch are very large marine iguana's that reside in and around the pools and rivers, located in the top of the Varin Range.

They can grow over two meters in length once full grown, they are characterised by their vivid colourations and their horned face and spine.

They have been known to range in colour from turquoise to amber and their eyes change with them as form of camouflage, their overall colouration also seems to be due to their immediate environment.

Their thick scaled hide acts as armour and most timber weapons will not penetrate the thick hide.

Their large clawed hands aid in fast movement across all terrains, they are also highly adept at swimming - strongly aided by their thick muscled tails and can hold their breaths for elongated periods of time.

Their mouths are full of sharp pointed sleep and they can be seen drooling saliva while they soak the heat.


The Mantoch are renowned for their foul temperaments, it is best to avoid them at all costs.

They move faster than a man on land and twice as fast in the water, if you enter their territory they will attack unprovoked.

If bitten by a Mentoch there are multiple dangers, their bites not only contain bacteria that cause a massive infection in most wounds even those that do receive adequate treatment. Their bite also transfers a venom that causes the the flesh around the wound to begin to die spreading faster the longer the wound is left untreated.


The only known treatment for the bite from a Mentoch is to use a heated blade and cut away the rotting flesh then, reheat the blade and seal the wound and hope you got it all so it doesn't continue to spread further.

All images are linked to my steemimg gallery with more information

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