Keltorins Flora and Fauna of Note 🌿 Fellar Vine 🌿 Valcannes Guide to Keltorin

Flora and Fauna

The following contains information pertaining to the different Flora and Fauna found on Keltorin, this is not a complete guide it only contains records on species of note for abilities or harm they may cause.

Fellar Vine:


The Fellar Vine in a long running vine that consists of hundreds of thin threads spreading out over vast distances, climbing hills and trees alike.

The vine itself is light green in colour and covered in fine translucent hairs. It can grow vast distances and is considered a weed by most, as it very difficult to remove all of the vine without more coming back soon after.


The Fellar Vine's fine translucent hairs that cover its exterior, are known to be a cause of severe irritation if contact is made with the skin.

Any contact with the Fellar Vine will result in skin redness, irritation and swelling - where contact occurred.

If contact with the skin does occur treat with the Itono Bush paste.


The only known use for the Fellar Vine is when prepared as a tea, to help combat the symptoms of stomach sickness.



In order to prepare the Fellar Vine tea you must first carefully collect multiple lengths of the vine, ensuring you protect your skin from making contact with the Vine itself.

Then using a sharp blade cut the vine into sections around the length of your forearm, then slice each of the segments lengthways along the vine exposing its center.

Once all lengths have been sliced all the portions of the vine need to be submerged in water and boiled for 15 minutes.

Strain the boiled fluid away from the remaining vine and discard the used portions, the person suffering stomach sickness must then sip the tea until feeling relief from their symptoms.


The Fellar Vine is very common and considered a weed in most of civilised Keltorin.

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