The Kingdom of Valcanne's Guide to Keltorin - World Map, Histories and People.

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Welcome to the world of Keltorin, a dark and mysterious world full of strange places, animals, people and abilities. The realm lays divided not only by the many treacherous mountain ranges, massive forests and raging rivers, but also by the traditions, wars and destruction of it's inhabitants.

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From the Shattered Sisters in the North to the Illuminated Woods in the South, no corner of this world is free from conflict or struggle.

The Icelands of Valmere are cold and harsh, due to this the Valmerian people have grown fierce in their goals of gaining more resources for their people.

No one dares venture into the Endless Swamp or the Mountains of Fire that lay beyond, for fear of the Baracaw that are said to reside there.

The Shattered Sisters are all that remain of a once mighty continent and people, the cause of it's destruction is lost in time but the evidence will remain until it is reclaimed by the ocean.

The Santel Plains are inhabited by the Freemen of Santel, a peaceful people who are open to trade by land and sea.

Irahdah is a rich land filled with beauty and resources, the Irahdie people who reside there still practice slavery and are known for abducting any foreigner travelling alone to add to their slave drivers catch.

In the Mountains of Kurtah the Highlanders reign supreme, master miners that are always ready to protect their goods - friendly to proven traders, but a frightful foe should you cross them.

The Haian Islands are home to the many Islanders, with a tropical and hilly landscape most of the islands home friendly natives however two of the islands house violent warring tribes that seek glory in war and conquest.

Almain is the Northmost Kingdom in the Five Kingdoms of Balamy is also known as North Balamy, it is the second richest kingdom of the five and has strong trading relationships with the northern peoples. Fentone is the smallest landmass but by far the richest of the Five Kingdoms and is also known as the Heart of Balamy, since the great war that forged the five kingdom alliance the Heart of Balamy was rebuilt into a major port and the hub of the five kingdoms.

Raltheith also known as Western Balamy, third wealthiest of the five kingdoms made its wealth in farming. Imporo - South Balamy is the poorest of the five kingdoms and suffers most from the constant raids on their southern borders, the kingdom is so poor the ruins of war remain present today with little being rebuilt over the decades.

Valcanne known mostly as the East Kingdom or East Balamy, is the second poorest of the five kingdoms but the most self reliant. They suffered massive losses and destruction during the Great War, however they are responsible for the overall success of the defense of the Five Kingdoms. The East is also known for their unique ways, often referred to as strange and different to how the rest of the world works.

The Empire of Jantel is a curious place, the Kentowin are known for their honour and traditions but are well known for their abilities on the battlefield - they are feared by all who have faced them and somehow survived.

The Varinese are hard to find and trade with they stay to themselves hidden in the peaks of their mountains and have suffered raids from the people of the Tribeland's of Melatah for generations.

Mantarin is home to the Mantarians, they are happy to trade with the Five Kingdoms however the route is perilous. They have constant feuds with the Kentowin mostly over border rights but they have been at war several times in generations past.

The Emerald Forest is massive and dense nobody's sure exactly how large it is or what resides within, tales tell of creatures beyond comprehension. All that is certain is that this is where the raiders appear from and disappear back into, once they have done their damage.

The Tribelands of Melatah are a beautiful but treacherous, home to many different tribes the major families are called the Brahmenty, Fantaren, Virdith, Kantil and Welveren. Known for their unique abilities, constant wars and skirmishes - The Tribelands are not easy to travel, even with company.

Little is known beyond the Mountains of Glass but old maps say there are massive forests that have grown larger than imagining.

The pages that follow are a guide to the world of Keltorin it's peoples, places and animals. Covering the known history, wars, cultures, traditions and abilities - This resource is the main guide for tutelage in the Kingdom of Valcanne.

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