Jett Williams in the Great Beyond: Episode 2- Warrior Angel


Last time on Jett Williams in the Great Beyond Jett was captured by the notorious rocketbiker gang the “Solar Misfits” while hot on the trail of twin missing princesses. Now our hero is a hostage on a distant planet and in mortal danger! Will he survive?!?! Find out in tonight’s episode: Warrior Angel! Only on Steemit!
Read part one here: Rocketbiker Blues

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My head felt two sizes too small as I woke up. No idea how long I was out, but the sun wasn’t up yet. I peek out and see Five Bikers standing around a smoldering fire. Must be close to daybreak. My arms are tied real tight behind my back, wrapped around the same pole that held the native girls. Guess I swapped places. Good, now all I have to do is untie myself and whup the rest of this gang into submission. Piece' of cake...yeah right, looks more like the end of the line. Stay cool Jett...time to say somethin’ clever, “Uhhhh… Looks like I got ya right where you want me..” Wait that ain’t right. The big ugly one turns around and walks over to me and brushes his long greasy hair to one side, all sarcastic like.

“Well well, if it ain’t Jimmy Law, have a nice nap sweetie?” He said, with a crooked smile.

So I said “I Think I’m still dreaming... Cause that face is a friggin’ nightmare” Well, needless to say, he was not impressed. He wound up and slapped the smile right off my face. I spit out some blood and told him, “Look, man, I got no time for a tickle party, how about you untie me and we can settle this like men” Then he pulled out his knife. Hmm… I didn’t expect that to work, but hey, gift horses and such.

Turns out he wasn’t gonna cut me loose. “I’m gonna cut yer mouthy face off and wear it as a mask a**hole.” He said. Then he pulled my head back by the hair and started cutting down my face just in front of the ear. The blood started flowing and I heard a voice say, “Not yet my friend, he still may hold some value”

The guy in the Empyre uniform struts up and forces a man to his knees in front of me. He looked familiar somehow, he had a bag over his head. When our captor pulls the bag off his I recognize him right away. It’s Cal, my partner, his blond hair stained with blood, eyes swelled shut and cuts all over his face. He looked barely alive, they worked him over good. “Cal! What the hell?” I said, but before I could finish our new buddy interrupts, “Yes, we located him in orbit and paid him a little visit.” This guy… he sounded awful proud of himself. “He informed us of an arrangement, You must be in contact once a day with your Commander, yes?”

Good thinking Cal, you might have just saved our ass. “That’s right,” I said, “If we don’t check in, they’re gonna come lookin’”

I thought “this might just give us the time we needed to figure something out!” Well... Right about then was when I felt a warm red liquid spray across my face. The bastard shot Cal right through the head. He laughed, “That was most amusing, unfortunately for you, we are the Empyre we have been here from the beginning. Long before this sector was decentralized, we ruled system upon system all through the galaxy. Our many tendrils even reach through your precious decentralized zone, this blockchain too will soon be ours as well.”

Seemed to me this guy was being pretty obnoxious, so I said, “Yap yap yap, are you just gonna’ run yer' mouth all day, or can you just skip to the part where you kill me already?”

“While nothing would please me more Mr. Williams, something quite interesting happened when you arrived at our beach. You see inside this cliff are several artifacts left behind by our Rocketbilly friends. The most interesting of which is an advanced spacecraft, It would appear not from this galaxy. In fact, all of the artifacts are from other galaxies or even universes. Our backward friends seem to have found a way to use the Stargates not to move through space, but space/time as well. Perhaps even through the multiverse.” He said

My eyes were starting to glaze over, I had to interrupt, ‘Goddamn you’re a freakin’ windbag! What’s any of that got to do with me? Can we get to the point?”

“Yes well the point is when you came near the entrance of the cliff, this ship started to respond, it began to glow and hover.” “Is it a coincidence? Maybe… but I must investigate for...”

He started yammering on, Felt like I was in one of those old earth holofilms, where the bad guy starts tellin’ his grand scheme and what not. He was explainin’ how The Empyre would travel to other universes and gather advanced dodads and generally erase the blockchain, re-centralize and devalue the crypto markets and move the entire galaxy to the Empyrial Fiat. Normally I would have been madder than a hornet in a shine jug, but I was thinkin’ about Cal, we went to the Academy together. He always had my back. Clever too. That ruse would have worked if it wasn’t for all the crooked bastards on the Empyre’s payroll at the agency. Betrayed by our own “comrades”. At least Bintu made it out. Cal knew the risks, but a sweet girl like that... Well, I’m thankful she's safe.

I guess the Murdering bastard finished his speech, cause’ he grabbed onto my chin and forced my eyes to his. “Well then let’s get you inside and see what happens shall...” He didn’t get to finish, the biker who was untying me got an arrow through his head and he fell to his knees. I see a biker over by the campfire, he spins around and is greeted by a hoverbike, my hoverbike crushing him to the ground. I see a beautiful silhouette in the first light of dawn.

I know this is Bintu, she effortlessly leaps from the bike grabbing another biker by the neck turning him to meet the oncoming bolts fired by his buddy. I hear a scream like an angel would scream, beautiful and ferocious. She pulls a knife from her belt and with one fluid motion plants it between her attackers' eyes. I must be dreaming. My would be plastic surgeon draws a laser blade and begins to run toward her. I put my leg out and he trips, Bintu is on him before I can look up and I hear a crack, like opening a can of rocketbeer. The Empyre agent was running for the holographic cliff side. He thinks he will be safe there. He won’t. I don’t know if there are 10 men in there or a hundred, I don’t care, I’ll kill em’ all.

Bintu moves behind me and cuts me loose, I stagger to my feet And walk over to my partner's lifeless body and look into his cold dead eyes and make him a promise-”Don’t worry, I’ll kill that bastard for this.” I move over and grab my blasters and the laser knife. I turn to thank my beautiful Valkrie, she grabs my hand to lead me away, I pull her to me. “I can’t go darlin’, I have to finish this now...” I look down at Cal, her eyes follow mine. Bintu kneels down beside him and takes his blood on her fingers and paints two lines under her beautiful eyes. She stands up to face me “Ok Jett, we finish.”, I feel her stare burn into my soul. I Still don’t know what a veterinarian is, but I hope I never piss one off.

Bintu goes to the hoverbike, the biker still trying to pull his broken body from underneath, She stomps his head, he stops. I think I’m falling in love. She straps on a quiver of arrows grabs her bow and several knives. Takes my hand and we carefully head toward the cliffside, to our destiny. To be continued...

What will Jett and Bintu find inside the mysterious cliff? What dark technology is the the Empyre hiding? Will Jett ever figure out what a Veternarian is?!?! Find out in the exciting conclusion of the debut story!: Episode 3- The Great Beyond. Only on Steemit!

Thank you for reading!

Do you like Mythology? Why not check out my series: Postcards from Asgard, retelling Norse mythology. The latest story can be found here ---> The wall of Asgard- Part 1 Part 2

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