9 Seconds of Freedom, Pt. 49, Original Suspense, Episode links included

“How about lunch at the Kozy Diner,” I said.

“Do they have grilled cheese?” DJ asked.

“I’m sure they do, honey,” Leeanne said.

Story continues after episode links

It was a distraction. I needed to go the long way home to make sure. I couldn’t be followed again. And if I was, I needed to know they were coming. I parked behind the café. I locked the rolled picture in the glove box. I still hadn’t opened it.

We sat in a back booth, near the kitchen. I could see the front window and the street. The food was good and everyone else had forgotten the man. If Fred and Sarah had ever seen him, they didn’t say anything. But, I couldn’t. I’d already lost one life. I couldn’t go through that again.

The drive home was peaceful. By the time we arrived at Bedman’s I was almost okay. I double checked the lock on the door while everyone else went upstairs. There was a sign in the window, ‘Due to recent events, Bedman’s will be closed until further notice’.

Upstairs, Fred had found a set of child’s blocks and was on the rug in the living room with DJ, building towers.

“Sarah’s taking a nap,” Leeanne said. “I know how she feels. After I got out, I slept for a month straight. Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” I said.

I was, mostly. This was my new normal. So, now I had to just learn to enjoy the moments in between.

“Did you look at the picture yet?” Leeanne asked.

“No, I brought it up though, it’s on the table,” I said.

Leeanne switched on the overhead light in the kitchen.

“Hey, Dalton,” Fred said. “You need to see this.”

I went in. I expected a skyscraper, or a castle with a moat. DJ was sitting in a pile of blocks. I smiled. Then I saw Fred. He was white. In his hand was a sheet of paper, with handwriting on it. He handed it to me.

It read: “Dalton, I’ve got the bear, for now. You don’t know me. But, I’m watching over you. There is still a lot you don’t know. I know I can’t stop you from looking, but I can warn you.

There’s a lot you may not want to know about your life. There are a lot of people who’d prefer you never find out. I’m not one of them. But, Mr. Ted’s secret is a story for another day. Don’t stop believing. There is good to be found.

Good luck,

“Where did you get this?” I asked.

Fred pointed under the chair. “It was on the rug, one corner sticking out.”

I swallowed. I looked around. Someone had been here. The bear had been where I’d seen it. Someone had taken it. Or had Fred planted this? I couldn’t believe that. Not now. But then there was Ben.

I took the note to the table in the kitchen. I needed to see that picture. I sat down. Pressing gently, I unrolled the photo. Leeanne read the note.

“What?” Leeanne said. “Where did this come from? Someone came in here?”

“It’s okay,” I said.

She looked over my shoulder. The photo showed what looked like The Sisters of the Frozen Rosary Home. The color had faded. It was a group shot. There were seventeen people in all. In the middle, was a man, holding a small boy, with a teddy bear. The boy from my polaroid. The man looked a lot like me.

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