Her Story [The Micro Flash Fiction]


… He had everything going well with him. She had not felt this way for a long while. He baited her with the dinners, exquisite vacations and gifts.Little did she know the darkness behind his wealth, for it looked perfect. And on that fateful evening,she said yes to it...

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Hey guys... It's another weekend and the the first weekend in the month of June. Alright, kicked off with this last week and I'm trying to keep up at it.

The 50 words story above was inspired by the prompt word "Bait" from the Fifty words challenge which holds every week and is hosted by @jayna.

I might return to my fiction world soon... Lol... Doing this 50 words challenge has made me realize how much I've missed it.

Quick Request:


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See you on the other side. Thank you in Advance.

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