LOVE LIKE HIS - Chapter 2 "The Funeral" - An Original Story by @papa-pepper

Chapter 2: The Funeral

The most uneasy funerals of all are the funerals of the young. Julie had been in the prime of her life; a life that ended so unannounced and abruptly. The grieving would have been exponentially increased had it not been for the closed casket.

After an accident like that, there really was no other option.

Not being able to see the cold body that remains has made it easier for everyone in attendance, and even Gary is doing surprisingly well. He does not believe that he is in shock, but somehow just distanced and distracted. It all had happened so quickly, and then there was so much work to do in preparation for today. Though he is wrestling with a thousand different thoughts, Gary knows what he had to do.

Before they dismiss everyone and lower the casket into the ground, Gary stands up next to the new headstone.

“I would like to thank everyone for coming out today. I know the roles that many of you played in Julie’s life, and can only imagine how much she meant to all of you. Many of you knew her for much longer than I did.”

Gary winces and swallows hard. He is trailing off and he knows it.

“The confidence that Julie had in this life has now been fully realized for her, though it still remains a mystery for us. Her faith and confidence was in the all sufficient sacrifice provided in Jesus Christ, and His death, burial, and resurrection…”

“Jesus?” a man in back scoffs quietly. "I can see where this is going."

Gary continues, and though most of the mourners are listening politely, a thin man dressed in black with dark shades has had enough. He abruptly rises to his feet and begins to briskly walk across the graveyard back towards the main road. Gary can’t help but notice all the motion, and knows full well that the message he is sharing has obviously offended this man.

Gary pauses momentarily to reflect upon just who this man may be.

Other than earlier at the funeral home, he cannot recall ever seeing the man. There had been no introduction made at the funeral home, only a message of “My condolences,” and a very awkward silence. The man had just held onto Gary’s hand rather than really shaking it, and appeared to be studying him from behind his sunglasses for a few seconds before he turned away to let the next person in line approach Gary. There is no time to figure that out now, Gary has to continue. The mournful crowd is being patient with the widower. This must be so hard for him. Julies death alone is enough to make them consider what is next for us, if anything.

Gary labors on with his message, “Like all of us, Julie knew that she had fallen short of God’s call on her life. Just like we do, she needed a Saviour…”


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