The Night Gods II: Melissa


Nothing is more pleasing to the Night Gods than an act of iniquity... These ethereal, shadowy creatures that live within and without lurking in the deepest recesses of man's heart. Those fleeting images flitting just outside our field of vision, yet all too real within our darkest desires. Where greed turns an executive's head, treasuring profit above virtue... Where a killer ignores the cries of his victim... Where debauchery triumphs over virtue... Where a world leader, steeped in corruption orders the deaths of thousands the Night Gods rejoice... and this is where the Night Gods abide, revelling in the carnage that follows.

Melissa Womack was a volunteer, an intern at Denning headquarters, barely 20 years old and smitten- by politics and by the candidate himself. When Sean informed her that Mr. Denning wanted to talk with her in his office, she was elated. She had never spoken with him except a brief nod and perhaps a "good morning." She went to his office door and knocked.

"Come in," came the response. Alan Denning, tall tanned and very good looking was standing behind his desk... Melissa couldn't believe her luck, to finally be noticed. Melissa had political aspirations herself and what better place to learn than from a presidential candidate himself.

"You wanted to see me Sir," she said.

"Yes, have a seat Melissa, and please dispense with the sir business," he said grinning broadly, "it makes me feel a hundred years old. It's Alan, please."

Melissa smiled her sweetest smile, he was flirting with her. She had heard rumors about the governor and his wife and also about his reputation with the ladies. What a catch, she thought to herself.

He went on... "I need to know if I can count on you for a little extra help- a little extra work. Sen. Ashby is ahead in the polls, as you know and if we're going to pull this off, I'm going to need the youth vote. You're just out of college aren't you?"

"A Senior, actually. I'm almost done... I only need a few more credit hours," she smiled.

"Ok good. I have a couple of speeches prepared, three or four, I think and I need somebody your age to listen to them and help me pick a good one... a one-woman focus group, if you will. I can run them by Sean, but he's going to like whatever I say- that's his job. This is really important, the primary might hinge on the youth vote. In fact, it probably will... if we can motivate them to come out, it will improve our chances."

Of, course. You can count on me, Sir... I mean Alan. What do you need?" She asked.

"I'm at the Excelsior, Room 605. If you could come by at 7:30 or 8:00, we can order room service and work into the night... that is if you don't already have other plans." This was going to be too easy- she was ripe for the picking, he could sense it.

"Yes, er no," she stammered. "I don't have any plans and would be happy to do whatever needs to be done to beat that old fossil."

"Great," he smiled, "then I'll see you tonight. And thanks."

"It's my pleasure," she smiled getting up to leave. I doubt it, he thought to himself, still grinning.

When she finished her paperwork, she went home and showered, putting on a seductive outfit- a short skirt that showed her long legs and a see-through blouse revealing a black bra underneath. She then donned a long coat and took a cab to the governor's hotel. After arriving, she went straight to the elevators and went to the 6th floor.

Denning was waiting, wearing only a pair of sweatpants and no shoes. "Now you know what I really look like," he said. "This is my usual outfit when I'm not at my office." Melissa removed her coat... "Wow," was all he could say. "Are you hungry?" He asked. "I've already eaten, but I can order for you, if you want."

"No." she replied, "I'm fine." She was feeling a little embarrassed, fearing her outfit was a bit too obvious. He took the bait, walking over and putting her face between his hands. He kissed her biting her lip. She pulled back in shock. This wasn't at all what she had expected.

"What's the matter?" He hissed. "Don't like it rough?" He grabbed her by the hair throwing her onto the bed. "Welcome to the big leagues," he said.

She backed up on the bed, trying to get away. Her lip was bleeding from where he bit her, the salty taste of her own blood was in her mouth.

Denning pulled the drawstring on his sweatpants and let them drop... he was wearing nothing underneath. "I thought this was what you wanted," he said mockingly. "Don't want to play with the big kids?" He was grinning now. He jumped on the bed beside her, reaching under her skirt tearing off her thong. He slapped her face, bruising her. She tried desperately to get away, but he was too strong for her. He grabbed her hair forcing her face into his crotch, "C'mon baby," he sneered, "you know this is what you want." Melissa understood why his wife wasn't around... apparently the rumors were all true... and somewhere, the Night Gods rejoiced.


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