Short Story - Where Do People Go When They Die

Just a few days ago I read a post on steemit, a post full of pain and anger on the loss of a beloved person. I happened to also lose someone a day before, an aunt who had been struggling with cancer for over a decade. I admit, I did not feel sad for her, I felt relieved knowing how much pain she had gone through and how all this torture stopped. She was a good person. I felt the same for my grandmother, two years ago, she passed away from cancer on a very old age (88 years old), but having been a remarkable woman, loving, giving, sacrificing all she had to raise her three boys (she was a widow at a very young age) I never thought she deserved such a painful ending. Nobody deserves such an ending no matter their age, deeds or character.

So, last week at around 2:00 AM, after a few comments on the post I told you in the beginning, I spared five minutes to write this story trying to ease some of the pain most of us feel when a person we love is no longer among us. 

I hope you forgive my emotional and romantic writing, but even if you don't, I know I let my feelings go and I know I felt relieved after reading it again and again. If those lines get to make even one person feel better, then I'll know I've done something right...

(Image source:

- Mum, where do people go when they die?

- It's funny you ask that, dear. I believed you already knew.

- No, I don't.

- Well, take a look out of the window and tell me what do you see.

- The dark, black sky.

- Hmm, and if you get a little closer?

- I see a few stars. 

- And a little closer?

- Nothing but the black sky and and a few more stars.

- And if you get your head out of the window and raise it up what will you see?

- Wow! Now I can see thousands of stars. But I don't get what this has to do with my question.

- My love, those stars are nothing more than the people we lost. Every bright spot up there is a sparkling soul that left its body to find their place in the skies. Death is a cold and dark place, just like the universe, but stars are glowing and warm because they get the living and loving energy from the soul that created them.
We are made of love and light fighting to escape and explore the cosmos, our body carries them for some time as we wander across the earth, but when it can no longer contain them, a bright firework explosion happens and all this energy escapes in the sky to find its rightful place. And live happily. And gain serenity. And be in peace with the rest of the world. The rest of us that stay behind feel sad and mad and hurt, but we don't realise that up there's where we're supposed to be. Down here we're temporary travellers, but up there we're beams of love.

Thank you for being here and reading this post. If you please, feel free to check out my bizarre natural phenomena series, short stories, educational posts or pranks using science.

Special thanks and mentions go to:

Until my next post,
Steem on and keep smiling, people! 

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