Saving The Life Of Jessica Part 3 - Original Action-Suspense And Comedy Novel By @steemist

So, its time to find out when, how and why Daniel started to doubt things. And what machines were used to control the brain of Jessica and even hypnotized her. How James is trying to misuse Jessica for his own benefit, and more importantly, who is Master X and what happened with the file named T.M.R which was in the ministry record room? You will find out today.

A little recap of what happened in previous episode. James explained to Joshua that how he executed his plan to turn Jessica unconscious, and he brought Jessica to his friend Dr Watson who was expert in hypnotism and knew some formulas (brain signals/indications stuff) and used transcranial direct current stimulation machine to upload knowledge to brain of Jessica. He inserted some specific code words which will trigger the uploaded signals. They didn't harm Jessica in any physical way though, but usage of those machines and hypnotism stuff caused some damage to the brain of Jessica. When Jessica recovered a little bit from her unconscious state (but not able to think what is happening), James asked some important questions to record in disc. Jessica spoke about all the secrets except the chief of secret agency 'Master X'.

James and Joshua planned together to ask Jessica to bring the file named T.M.R from ministry record room because only Jessica was able to go there as she is a member of Asia secret agency. What happened later? Lets find out.

Saving The Life Of Jessica Part 3:

Image Source: WhiteRabbitDesignCompany

Daniel entered in operation room of secret agency and his friend/current organizer "Harry (as known as B-X)" stood up in respect of Daniel. Daniel said: "Why you're trying to lose your weight?, you're not that fat."

Harry laughed and replied: "Oh I thought I became fat by sitting here all day on daily basis".

Harry needed to go toilet. After he went to toilet, just after a minute, agency's phone started to ring. As it was the duty of B-X to receive calls there but he was in toilet at that time, Daniel received the call and said: "Master X speaking".

It was the call of William. William confusingly asked: "B-X speaking?" then Daniel replied in his own style: "B-X is not yet free, he is doing some important work in toilet". William responded: "Oh so you're here Master X, I called at your home-phone but Joseph attended the call and told me that you're not at home. So, tell me when Jessica was made a deputy-chief of Asia secret agency?"

Daniel was in shock after hearing that and asked: "Deputy chief? But why you're asking this question?". William didn't answer his question and asked further: "Is it true that she is deputy-chief of Asia secret agency?". Daniel dazzled, and replied: "Yes, she is. But why you thought to ask this question? Why it interests you?"

William replied with anger: "You didn't tell me about this important thing that Jessica is a deputy-chief of Asia secret agency and you also issued her a special government identity card of your agency?"

Daniel was in complete shock but had to reply: "What? Special identity card? What are you saying? You already know that our agency have no relation with Government activities. What happened to you?". B-X came back from toilet few minutes ago and was listening to all the talks since the louder of phone was ON.

William: "Well, as you already testified that she is a deputy-chief, then return me the file T.M.R. Two days are already passed since you received that file.". Daniel wondered, and he left his chair out of shock and replied with angry voice: "WHAT! Are you being serious? Are you drunk? You're saying that I return the file T.M.R to you, are you sure you're not drunk?"

William also shocked after hearing the reply of Daniel and responded: "What you're saying? 2 days ago, Jessica went to the office of ministry record room. Martin who is a deputy-chief there, attended her. Jessica introduced herself to Martin by saying that she is a deputy-chief of Asia secret agency. At the same time, she showed her government-licensed identity card to prove that she is deputy-chief in secret agency. Jessica mentioned there that the chief of secret agency 'Master X' asked her to bring the file T.M.R to agency, and due to the importance of that file, she had to come herself there to take file physically and safely. Martin asked Jessica to give her identity card's number and other details and then gave that file in hands of Jessica. Today, they were in need of that file and Martin contacted me for that purpose because he didn't know the contact information of 'Master X, YOU'. I was completely shocked after getting such information, and I immediately asked Martin to come in my office with the receipt and all information which he took from Jessica. At receipt, I can confirm that those are signatures of Jessica genuinely. Martin informed me that the card which Jessica showed to him, contained her own picture and seal of government authorities."

He added: "I was in complete shock after such details. I asked Martin to go and I assured him that I myself will contact 'Master X' and ask to return that file. I knew that Miss Jessica is one of the member of your secret agency, but I didn't know that she is also a deputy-chief there. But you never asked for a file in past like that!!??"

Daniel's wonder increased but he had to control on his emotions and replied: "Neither me nor B-X could ask for T.M.R file in that way. And it cannot be Jessica because she is talented and a responsible woman. Was your deputy-chief Martin was crazy and dumb enough that he gave that file to a random woman without any evidences?"

William: "What do you mean? Wasn't she Jessica?"...Daniel replied: "Sure, otherwise what kind of need Jessica had to do such things?". William responded back: "But according to Martin, he called miss Jessica on her personal mobile number and she testified that she was the one who took that file but she already sent to you in secret agency's head quarter."

Daniel: "What? He called Jessica? How he got the contact number of Jessica?". William replied: "As I told you before, Martin took all the information before handing her that file."

Daniel responded: "Oh so that means something is wrong. Someone is working on a mission against us or whatever, I am now contacting Jessica to ask her directly what happened."

William replied: "Yes, of-course. Please do your best to bring that file to home. In T.M.R file, there are some important information on dangerous big missiles." Daniel in reply: "I will" and he ended the call.

Daniel was trying to contact Jessica through phone number. He dialed the number and called her, and after few moments, Jessica received the call and replied: "Yes, Jessica speaking."

Daniel was in anger and his voice-tone showed the same, he replied with anger: "Master X speaking here". Jessica: "Yes sir".

Daniel asked: "You went to ministry's office?". Jessica replied: "Yes, sir. I went there two days ago.". Daniel further asked: "You brought T.M.R file from there?". Jessica replied: "Yes sir, you ordered it yourself.". Daniel got shocked and it increased his anger but he had to control to know more first. "Where is T.M.R file now?". Jessica replied: "On your order, I came in head-quarter and uploaded it to 'receiving box' of head-quarter. But why you're asking in that way?"

Daniel further asked: "Did you show your government licensed identity card proving that you're a deputy-chief of agency?". Jessica replied: "Yes sir". Daniel: "Where is that card now?". Jessica replied: "On your order, I uploaded my card with the file in receiving box of head-quarter.".

Daniel investigated further: "How did you get that card?". Jessica replied: "You said it yourself to me that you uploaded that card yourself in receiving box so I go there and take that card and show that card to ministry's authorities and bring T.M.R file from there, and at the same time you instructed that once I get the file, I should upload it in 'receiving box' for you."

Daniel asked: "Instructions were given via phone?". Jessica felt awkward but still replied: "Yes sir". Daniel further asked: "Did you gave your personal phone number to deputy-chief Martin?". Jessica: "Yes sir, because he was hesitated in giving T.M.R file and you instructed me that I must bring that file to you anyhow, so I had nothing to try than giving him my phone number. He took all the information from me including receipt. Two hours ago, he called me to return T.M.R file then I informed him that T.M.R file is sent to agency's head quarter and they can take it from you. He asked your contact information but I preferred not to give him your personal number. I referred Martin to William and assured him that William will contact Master X for him."

Jessica added: "But why you are asking when you instructed everything yourself? Is there any problem about it?"... Daniel replied: "No, no problem for now but I just received some information which indicates that there are big problems ahead." and he ended the call at the same time.

Worries of T.M.R file was eating Daniel from inside and Master X and B-X were unable to understand the situation, but what happened after ending the call? You will know it in the next part. I really hope that you're enjoying this novel.

There is a lot more to come: so make sure to follow me at @steemist to keep getting updates.

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