How To Think Like an Animal


“Sometimes I try to think like an animal.”

“How can you think like an animal? You think in words, sentences, phrases. You think in terms of yourself and others. Animals can do none of this.”

“I want to see the world without the structure words, sentences, and phrases place around it. I try to see things without naming them. I want to understand things without knowing them.”

“Can you?”

“Of course not. I’m not sure it’s possible.”

“Then why do it?”

“Because we're missing something. I'm sure of that.”

“What are we missing?”

“How would I know?”

“How do you know we're missing anything?”

“Because I name everything I see, yet sometimes I act beyond those names.”

“Beyond those names?”

“Sometimes I act in a way that doesn’t make sense. Take this morning. I’m on my way to work, sitting in traffic. Here comes this car driving on the shoulder, passing everyone. Moments later, I realize I’m screaming like crazy.”

“I don’t know, doesn’t sound ‘outside the ordinary’ to me. I yell at other drivers all the time. We have rules--I want them to obey.”

“We have rules because we named everything. But my anger didn’t come from rules. It came from somewhere else. My mind wasn’t full of words, because there were no words--it was beyond words. I felt alive without words. I was using them, but my vigor came from deeper than words go. Anyhow, the point is--it’s more than road rage.”

“And you associate that ‘feeling beyond words’ with ‘thinking like an animal’? And now you want to ‘think like an animal’ on purpose?”

“I do. And, I do.”

“And why are you telling me all this?”

“I need your help.”

“How can I help you?”

“I know you’ve been sleeping with my wife.”

The End

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