Cyanotoxins (Plant Wars, Chapter 2)


Introduction, Chapter One

Millions of tiny cyanobacteria increased their reproduction speed significantly. The blue-green algae thrived on the huge amounts of phosphorus and other nutrients flushed into the fresh water supply. The warm temperature and intense sunlight did the rest.

The Great Consciousness was pleased as it watched the microorganisms produce cyanotoxins that spread through the human’s water supply. Most water filters were not designed to stop that kind of pollution and the few ones that were couldn’t clean it all.

As usual, the humans had caused their own misfortune. Excessive use of fertilizer on their fields, not completely cleaned runoff from wastewater systems and the constantly worsening climate change brought perfect conditions for the harmful algae blooms. All The Great Consciousness had to do was to put some cyanobacteria in the right places and watch them grow.

Most humans didn’t even know what hit them. Why did their skin and eyes burn after taking a swim in the lake that has always been so clean? Why did their throat burn, why did they vomit so much after having a glass of tap water?

When the organ damage and neurological problems finally started to show, it was usually already too late. The blue-green algae were everywhere and getting rid of it was a lengthy and costly process.

And that was only the situation in relatively rich areas! Poor countries suffered most, as their already barely sufficient water sources became contaminated and started to look colorful. In most cases, they had no other choice than to drink it anyway and suffer the consequences.

When it saw this, The Great Consciousness felt almost bad. The ones that actively caused most of the problems didn’t suffer the greatest from the consequences. There had to be a way to change this! It didn’t make sense to only decimate those who didn’t have the resources to do much damage.

There had to be a way to especially harm those living in the big cities, those who were destroying the big rainforests and blowing emissions into the sky.

The Great Consciousness took some time to think.


Harmful Algal Blooms and Drinking Water
Harmful Algal Blooms & Drinking Water Treatment
Blue-Green Algae Toxins in Drinking Water

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