Secrets (The Chosen, Act 1, Part 3)

By Tama66 on

Act 1:
Part 1, Part 2

January 2nd, 2166

Pain. Pain pain pain. Pain was surging through his head, and Joel groaned. How much did he drink the previous night? What did he drink the previous night? Alcohol was supposed to have little to no effect on him, but here he was, having the hangover of his life. @suesa

He groaned. Then he opened his eyes.

The ceiling looked unfamiliar. He certainly wasn’t in the pub anymore. Joel furrowed his brow. He had entered the pub in the morning. His internal clock told him it still was morning. Or rather … again. Had he spent the whole day and night drinking? The events from the previous day were a blur at best. Joel remembered having the first drink with the hybrid, Xeraias. Then a second … things went black after that.

That hadn’t been ordinary alcohol, it couldn’t have been.

He sat up.

Or at least he tried to because ropes around his wrists made actually moving into an upright position impossible. The legs had been treated in the same way.

”Fuck”, Joel said. ”Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

”Now, now, priest”, a familiar voice said from behind. ”Cursing isn’t exactly holy behavior, is it?” Xeraias moved into Joel’s field of vision. The ugly hybrid towered over the man and stared directly into his eyes. Joel forced himself not to look away.

”Why did you abduct me?” He asked. ”I haven’t done or even just intended you any harm. I’m a man of God.”

”Oh are you now?” The hybrid chuckled. ”That would surprise me. I’m pretty sure there are no faithful humans around anymore since the whole concept of God has been proven to be silly. We know where we come from and why we are here. You humans know it, we hybrids know it, the aliens know it. There is a purpose, and it isn’t dictated by a God that keeps invisible, it’s dictated by an intelligence that happily shows itself to intelligent species when they have evolved enough. The Christian God is a myth, and you know it. So tell me, preacher, what are you? Why are you here?”

Options, explanations, lies rushed through Joel’s mind. Nothing suited to get him out of this situation. He clenched his jaw. Apparently, this was the day he’d become a martyr. What a shame.

“I’m not telling you anything, you ugly, degenerated hybrid”, is what he had wanted to say. These words would have caused his immediate termination, he was sure about that. But his lips and vocal chords seemed to have decided to abandon him and act on their own.

”I’m a member of the society of the enlightened”, he involuntarily said. ”We’ve been around since the year 1276, and are since looking for the chosen one to fulfill the prophecy we have been handed by our founder. The chosen one will, once and for all, end all of humanity’s suffering and bring a new age of enlightenment and peace.”

Silence followed.

The hybrid laughed.

”Are you for real?” He asked between labored breaths and tears. ”The chosen one? A prophecy? A secret society? You gotta be kidding me.”

Joel bit his lip.

”I didn’t want to tell you anything of this”, he said, clenching his fists. ”I don’t understand why I did. Did you give me some kind of truth serum?”

”Truth serum? Now I know you’re trying to take me for a ride here. There is nothing like truth serum, I’d know if there was. I’d be using it all day, every day, on the people that owe me money. And I’d certainly not waste it on a fake priest like you.”

”That can’t be!” Joel exclaimed and felt his breathing speed up, as he started to panic. ”I’m not supposed to tell anyone anything about the society of the enlightened or the prophecy. Not unless I think they’re a potential new recruit, or …” He stopped and his eyes grew wide. ”Oh no”, he whispered. ”Fuck no. You can’t be serious.”

*”What is it, priest? Spit it out.” Xeraias had squatted down next to him, so his face was on the same level as Joel’s. The hybrid was still nothing Joel wanted to look at. But if his theory was correct…

It couldn’t be. But at the same time, it was the only possible explanation. There was nothing that should be able to compel him to reveal all his secrets, the secrets of his society, without a second thought. Nothing except …

”You’re the chosen one”, he gasped. It was the only explanation.

”I’m the what?” Xeraias raised his right eyebrow. There was no left one. ”The chosen one? Is that how you’re trying to get out of this situation? Telling me, I’m special and the one you’re looking for?”

Joel, who had moved upward as far as it was possible for him with the restraints, let himself sink back onto the hard desk he was tied to. He closed his eyes. This couldn’t be true. But it was. He had found the chosen one, and it was a human-alien hybrid. A monster, a crime against nature.

And not what anyone had expected to find.

”Believe me”, he said to Xeraias, in a defeated tone, I’d prefer if it were otherwise. But everything points towards this explanation. I … “* He involuntarily stopped and shuddered, thinking of what he was just about to say. ”I have to take you to Antarctica, to our teachers, so you can be prepared for your mission. You will need a lot of training, and …”

”Now, now, not so fast little human”, Xeraias lifted up his hands in a defensive gesture. *”I think you’ve forgotten two important things. One, you’re still my prisoner and tied to this table, and two, I do not believe in your silly prophecy. Why should I? I haven’t been special all my life, just another monster among monsters. Why should I believe that things will change?”

”Let me prove it to you”, Joel suggested. ”The chosen one has talents which I can help unlock. Just give me a chance.”

To his surprise and relief, the hybrid seemed to start considering it.

”Fine”, Xeraias said. ”What do I have to lose? You have 6 months. Show me what great things I can do. Maybe I will decide to join you. But if nothing happens, you will die.”

An acceptable option, Joel thought. If he were wrong with his theory, he wouldn’t want to live anyway, as he had just revealed the societies deepest secrets to an abomination.


GIF was created for me by @saywha and @atopy , rest of the signature by @overkillcoin

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