The Insanest Thing Happened Today! I Created My Own Country! Help!!!

A powerful name is enough to cause awareness. It sticks!

Before i eventually joined steemit, i had seen the word 'steemit' once but it was the second time, that sparked real interest. Thus, the word 'steemit', did have power!

I saw bitnation a long time ago while on steemit; i think i was reading @stellabelle blog and it stuck; for today i created my own country!

How insane, when you get to say that to someone: "Terry, my country doesn't really love me, so i created mine. I am president!"

Like when i try to explain to people that everyone is genius in his field or a CEO of some form and i go: "at the very least, i can tell bingo to sit and it will sit and i can also tell 'the Jimmy' in between my legs to lay to rest and it will!". 

(I am male by the way!)

I just gave it a random name for now but i need your help for its name!

For now, i called it "ourworld". I will like you to read the model, roadmap and vision of my country. Perhaps, you will be able to assist me, with a befitting name and perhaps believe in its vision, enough to be part of it!

You may end up creating your own country afterall. A virtual country built on blockchain, that has the ability to offer all the services of a real country, with embassies; asylum; courts etc.

 They offer an ID for world citizenship as well as educational; marriage services; their own debit card etc.

 Still in beta tho, so a whole bunch to learn! 

Overall, that is what steemit does! It makes you delve into new facets of the internet!

Here is the model of my nation:

(Image Source: collage of founder of Bitnation) by @stellabelle

Short Description of Your Nation:

The world of today has been unfair to people from developing countries; like countries in Africa, Asia, etc; regarding them has lower humans, when  it comes to visiting other countries. During VISA application you are always seen as being with the intention of running away from your  country as they have the notion, that you will not return to your home  country. Now, you have to prove that you will return and most times, your visa application is rejected as you are deemed unfit or lesser human! 

I want to gradually bring a solution to that by building a nation of equals, perhaps, our concerted voice will translate into the the real world and we will actually become world citizens with the natural right to travel!

Background/ History of Your Nation:
I am 30 and a good citizen and very learned but i hustle alone and for  years in developing countries. In these nations, it can take forever for one to gather  enough social ties on paper, to show that i will return to my home country!

 Now, must that mean that i can never travel? 

Why do i have to entertain so much fear of rejection, when thinking of visiting another country and why do many others, solely based on these fears, have to lose their lives by going through cold seas and desserts; some having to turn into homosexuals and allow themselves to be sexually assaulted, so that they can seek asylum in nations that are open towards gays, just in a bid to travel?

It is silly cheat! This must be looked into! 

Long-term Aim(s) of Your Nation:
A solution to the ever-existing problem of third world country citizens having to lose their lives by walking deserts or crossing seas to travel to another nation, because embassies of developed nations, make visas extremely difficult and an impossible dream for many for beings born in developing nations. 

It is not a crime to be born into a country in Africa, but for some, it stays their crime forever!

 This most reduce! A USA citizen and a Liberian citizen, should be seen as equals in the eyes of embassies around the world!  

Name of Founder(s)
Terry Christian Ajayi  

Short Description of Founder/Founding Team Members:
I have lived in developing countries, for most of my live and understand the voice and cry of the people! I am open to support and team members as i don't yet know how bitnation runs, but i will, in the long run as i am passionate about bringing this change ,as my gift to the world!

In the Future, Will Your Nation's Team Comprise

Official Language(s)

Haha, so what name do i give this country based on its vision?

I would be glad to get your opinion!

You can build your nation or become a world citizen!

YOUR BOY terry and the silly things i have been doing!



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