The Hunters


Blue, in a dark ironical nod to her name, lived in a dark, scary world. A result of the curse passed down from generations of first daughters in her family. She is able to see the greed and resentments within humans in the shape of demons hanging around them. She was only ten the first time she saw these resentment demons around her mother; a consequence of Blue's father leaving his wife for his young secretary after 15 years of marriage.

At first she could just about handle the whole scary experience, but then the demon only grew larger. Blue’s mother regretted and resented all the things in her life including Blue's existence and one unfortunate day she drove off a cliff leaving behind a scared 12 years old Blue.

Blue moved in with her dad and his new wife after her mom's demise. Her refusal to go outdoors because of the human demons was a cause of concern for her father who could not help recalling a sister that was also prone to seeing the unexplainable and the macabre. Blue’s father had believed his sister was crazy till she committed suicide and his mom's admonitions never to have a daughter had seemed the ramblings of a old and failing mind at the time but the horror in his daughter's eyes everytime she looked at someone confirmed his fear; his daughter can see something no human can and should see and it scares her.

Blue's father took her to see a therapist one fateful day. He left her there and rushed home to pick up some important documents he forgot, only to find his wife and 30 years old neighbour in his bed. Blue kept waiting for her dad to come pick her up till 6 pm late in the eveningto no avail. She finally had to head home on her own and when she got there and opened the door she saw her father with bloody hands and a young hate demon standing next to him.
Beside herself with shock and horror, she gasped and ran up the stairs, the images of the scene she just witnessed playing in her mind’s eyes. Grisly mental images of her new-found stepmom naked in bed, dead along with the brutally-butchered next door neighbour.

In a state of panic and confusion, she ran back down the stairs and nearly collapsed at the humongous size the demon had grown into within the few seconds of her sojourn upstairs. She cautiously moved closer to her father pondering what she would say to calm him down and make the growing demon vanish. She patted her father on the head and said, 'it’s not your fault, dad, but you have to stop hating her, him, yourself, everything and call the police or the demon will only feed more on your hate, so please I really don't want to lose another parent”.

Thankfully, her warm and soothing words penetrated her father's heart, he dropped the kitchen knife he was holding and burst into tears saying how he doesn't know what came over him but he just had the urge to kill both of them.

The police came and took away her dad, he was sentenced to 30 years behind bars and she was consequently sent to an Orphanage. After some years she finally graduated college, secured employment and obtained her own apartment. Fear made her quit her job eventually and put her talent as a Webtoon writer to work and as a result the amount of time she spent directly interacting with people grew lesser and lesser still. Blue does not have friends neither does she have a any meaningful relationship with her neighbours, the only person she talks to once in a while is her editor who gave her a cat. She pays her incarcerated dad a visit once a month and is always cautious to avoid directly looking at other inmates but she is happy enough.

There are no demons around her father despite how dreadful it is in there.

Life was good with Blue having to avoid the demons the hate, greed and resentment humans created but just as she was just getting use to an existence of solitude, he came into her dark gloomy world and turned everything upside down but it wasn't a normal love story in movies.

Grayson sipped his tea and watched as the agitated woman sitting nearby fidgeted. She looked normal to everybody else except him, he saw her greed in plain sight and the greed demon seemed non-too happy about him being present, since he could only be there for one reason; destroy the greed before it consumes the nameless beautiful woman. Grayson is a descendant of a long line of Priests but unlike the conventional priest that preach the word of God standing behind a pulpit, his kind vanquish the darkness the mind of humans create and the greed behind the woman already has a will of its own and must be stopped or its type will eventually destroy the world.

The woman picked up her phone and dialled a number and said into the receiver, 'if you don't come here with my request right now, it will be the end and I mean it’ in a malevolent tone and ended the call. After a while she stood and walked away in anger, he immediately followed closely to avoid losing her among the crowd. A young woman with a hood pulled over her face crashed into him and made him lose sight of his prey for a second. He muttered a curse under his breath and rushed off but the woman and the greed demon were long gone.

He looked around and saw the reason he lost his target hurrying off and he went after her before she could disappear. 'Hey you could at least say sorry for walking into’, he said when he eventually caught up with her.

Blue cautiously removed her hood to respond to her attacker's verbal assault and braced herself for the expected sight of a demon but she was surprised that the tall, handsome brown hair and brown eyes hunk has no demon around him. Grayson grew impatient, 'ain't you gonna apologize or you are just gonna ogle me all day, 'he asked.

The staring competition was about to start when their attention was shifted from one another to the middle-aged man on the side walk. Blue's eyes widened in terror and Grayson muttered a curse as the man was surrounded by three demons, hate, resentment and the most terrifying one the black demon that kills the innocent. Grayson followed the man as he crossed the road and entered an Elementary school close by while Blue immediately pull her hood over her head and ran in the opposite direction.

To Be Continued

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