The Mallard Mind (Original story)


The Mallard Mind - Original Story (really just for fun).


Crackers the Duck liked to quack. He quacked in high notes. He quacked in low.


One day while Crackers was swimming in his favorite pond, he was splashing and quacking so loudly that he didn't notice the end of the pier he was splashing towards. After a few more loud quacks and big circular splashes, he collided with the pier. Smacking his head, he was a bit stunned. A moment passed and he did nothing, just floated on the water. He couldn't remember who he was. He couldn't remember what he was just doing. He got out of the water and started to search around the pond, not finding any clues of the things he knew he had forgotten. He just could not grasp fully in his mind who he was and what he was doing there.


He decided to go towards a big structure; a barn. He went up towards the farm that the barn was located on, he waddled on through and area with lots of grass. He passed by a large animal and stopped, he spun around and looked at the animal. It was a cow. The cow was just standing there and chewing on some green grass. Yum, he thought. He liked grass. He munched a little bit while he stayed with the cow. This must be what I was forgetting, he thought. The cow said "Moo". Crackers opened his beak and tried to say moo, but all that came out was a quack. I guess I'm not a cow, thought Crackers. He spun around and headed back up towards the barn.


He moved on and came to a pig. The pig was laying in some mud near the grass he just came from. Crackers decided that maybe he was a pig, so he started to walk in the mud towards the pig. The mud made Crackers all dirty and he felt sticky and couldn't move much. He quickly decided he wasn't a pig, and moved on.


He kept waddling away from the cow and the pig, but towards the barn. He moved on and came to a goat. The goat was eating grass! This was different than a cow but still liked to eat what Crackers did. Maybe he is a goat! The goat made a bleat sound. Crackers tried that sound but it was just to hard to make. Maybe he just needed practice. He tried again, but nothing even close to that sound came out of him. He looked at the goat, down at himself. He noticed the goat had different feet. That must mean I'm not a goat either, thought Crackers. He moved on.


Crackers came across a horse next. He saw the horse was eating grass. He also realized he had to look way way up in order to actually look at the horse. Plus, the horse didn't have feathers, it had some sort of hair on it. Crackers quickly came to the conclusion that he was not a horse, and moved along.


Next Crackers came across a rooster. The rooster was about his size (Not according to the picture, but for the sake of the story he was), had feathers, and had similar feet. Except the roosters feet were skinnier and not webbed. He decided he wasn't a rooster. Sadly, Crackers went waddling back to where he came from.


On his way back to the pond he came across a spider. The spider just stood there looking at the Crackers with its scary eyes. Crackers was starting to get a little hungry, he could feel his belly rumbling. For just a split second Crackers opened his mouth slightly and thought about eating the spider. Then he heard, "Don't even think about it". The voice shocked him. Did the spider say that? he thought to himself. The spider was starting at Crackers. A second later the spider started to go upwards using a long strand of light looking thread it had been hanging from. Crackers thought it was best to move along, back to where he came from.


As he was waddling slowly and sadly back to the pond he heard a sound. A familiar sound. A quacking. He looked around but couldn't see where it was coming from. Finally he saw some shadows pass and he looked up just in time to see some birds fly overhead towards the pond. He quickened his waddling pace and saw them land with smooth, elegant splashes onto the surface of the water. They quacked when they saw him. He quacked too! That was easy, he thought. This is my sound! He looked into the water and saw his reflection. He was shocked to see he looked just like them. Excitedly he jumped into the water. He easily swam around, feeling free, feeling like he was home. He was a duck! Of course! How could he forget?


He quacked and quacked, swimming and splashing around with his duck friends. He enjoyed being a duck. He enjoyed feeling like he was home and in his favorite place; the pond. The End.


From Back to Front
Row 1 (very back): Barn, Crackers, Horse, Spider
Row 2 (middle): Duck 1, Cow, Goat
Row 3 (front): Duck 2, Pig, Rooster

I thank you so much if you actually read this whole post. I am not sure why I wrote this silly little story a while ago, but I thought it would be fun to share. I found all the animals I could throughout my house and decided to make them the stars of this story. I couldn't have done it without the wonderful cast. Ha! Anyways, thanks for reading.



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