The Day My City Stood-Still: Chapter 10b (Original)

The Aftermath

You can read the previous chapters here:

Chapter 1- The Introduction
Chapter 2- The Taxi
Chapter 3- The Garment Factory
Chapter 4- The Materialist
Chapter 5- The Policeman
Chapter 6- The Brat Guitarist
Chapter 7- The Transport Company
Chapter 8- The Quest For Freedom
Chapter 9- The Road
Chapter 10a- The Accident


Veronica is going out of control and out of anger & frustration, her head is about to explode. She and her husband, Charlie, were on the way to the airport to board a flight to Hyderabad, where they had a meeting scheduled with the “Textile Minister of Andhra Pradesh”, Mr. HK Bernard. Both of them are currently stuck in the largest traffic jam this city had even seen in the past. Long tiring traffic jams are nothing new for Bangalore city and for its citizens, but this jam has now pushed the bar to classify a situation as “bad” a notch above the rest.

Where Veronica can’t believe the visual that she has before her eyes and so she can’t help herself but curse her fate for it. And on the other hand Charlie has gone completely silent and numb. He can’t believe that this is happening with them, all over again. The meeting with the “Textile Minister” was the last hope they had, to get their “Garment Factory” up and running once again. The stakes were too high as they have already invested the last penny they had into this project and if this chance also slips away from them, then it would be curtains for them.

The biker who had slipped and triggered this chain reaction was none other than Jonny himself, the spoilt brat son of “HRD Minister Mr. Anthony”. Ebenezer’s impulsive actions are the reason why Jonny is still alive. If it wasn’t for him, Jonny would have got crushed under the massive tyres of his truck. But Jonny’s fall from the speeding bike did have an impact on him as well. He broke his right arm & three broken ribs to go along with the bruised up shoulder. The doctors say that he would not have control over his right hand, the way he used to, and that means he should kiss goodbye to his dream of becoming a celebrated guitarist in the times to come.

Ebenezer has been detained by the police, and have pressed charges of “irresponsible driving” & ”possession of illegitimate and smuggled electronics articles”. His worst nightmare has turned into reality. Getting caught was his fear that instigated him to leave this dishonest profession and move away from Bucky, to start afresh, but it wasn’t to be. With his money and influence, Bucky will ensure that he does not get tagged into this case in any way possible and hence the only sitting duck this judicial system is going to find, is going to be Ebenezer. He would probably be spending the rest of his days behind bars.

Calvin Pritish, the “good cop” is going be held responsible for letting this truck slip through his post, even though the real culprit for that is Kyle Matthew. Even here, Kyle’s dirty accomplices who are sitting in the higher authorities of Bangalore Police Department will shield him with ease and the scapegoat is going to be Calvin alone. His entire 22 years of relentless service, to the police force and to this city, will be dumped into the drains. The chances are that he gets suspended from the police force, under false allegations and might ultimately lose his job as well.

These were just a few people, out of the other thousands, whose lives have been impacted by this incident, directly or indirectly. Now may I ask you as to who really is at fault here, because of whom this whole thing happened?

Should the Corporator, who used substandard materials while constructing the road, be blamed for this? After all Jonny slipped from his bike because of the pothole, created on the road because of his greed.

Or do you think Ebenezer is at fault for trying to save a bike rider from his truck, but ending up accidentally killing another person and also leaving massive cascading effects of his actions on thousands of other lives?

Or is it the greed of Bucky which resulted into this colossal incident? Had he not forced Ebenezer to deliver his “goods”, even after knowing that his mental and physical condition were not conducive for driving, the accident might have been avoided. But Bucky is just a money minded greedy snake who can pray on his own eggs, if need be, to survive the odds.

Or the author of this disaster was Kyle, whose action of letting the truck slip through was the reason for it all, while they could have ceased the truck well in advance? Also, Kyle’s habit of pleasing the rich and the powerful added fuel to fire, when he gave a free passage to Jonny. Had he stopped either one of the two, don’t you think the accident could have been averted?

Jonny can be blamed as well, for violating the traffic rules at will without any fear. His big ego and authoritative nature, based on his father’s powerful position, can also be termed as the reason due to which this disastrous situation did arise.

No matter what the actual reason was or who the real culprit is, the fact of the matter still remains the same. Many people lost their lives, be it directly or indirectly, and lives of a whole lot have got impacted, for no fault of theirs. The real culprits are still out there in the open, whereas innocent people have paid for their sins.

End of this Series

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