Space part II - A Momentary Lapse - A Fifty Words Story

Space Trilogy

This is the 2nd part of my planned fifty words trilogy. Part one can be found here

Looking forward to seeing next week's prompt, no idea where it will take us for the finale :o)


The pale blue dot danced slowly behind his back as it circled the sun. A perfect pirouette.

As it dawned on him, the darkness and emptiness of space swallowed him whole. Partial paralysis, but fleeting.

He had forgotten to secure the hatch.

Cancer cured - but now a prisoner of carelessness.

That was my attempt to tell a story in just 50 words with the prompt of "Hatch", and was a continuation of this story

Thanks for taking the time to read it - I hope you enjoyed it. You can find some more of my stories and posts here if you want to drop by

A huge thanks to @jayna for this great outlet.

Peace Out

Ablaze 🔥

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1 column