Fiftywords: A "Hi" never said

"He stared from afar as they talked. Heart ached with every smile." Wish I was better at writing hooks.


Salam (Peace)

This is an entry to @janya #fiftywords (the initiative vice-leader until @miniature-tiger comes back.) The prompt this time is "Mouse", as usual the story is exactly 50 words excluding the title and "The End".

A "Hi" never said

He stared from afar as they talked. Heart ached with every smile.

He wanted to join.
A single "Hi" from him and they'd welcome him back asking what took him so long.

But afraid of hurting them again he stopped. The message was there but "send" was never clicked.

The End

What are your thoughts?

I think this could be written way better but I don't know how, it was around 100 words but since I wrote it for #fiftywords I had to shorten it a lot. Hmmmm~ Well, at least the message of the piece is still there. I didn't use the prompt word but I implied it at least so that's a good start.

With "Dead Lands Never Bloom" it seems I like to use the word never in titles... haha :')

Photo by Hannah Rodrigo on Unsplash,.
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