Fiftywords: Dead Lands Never Bloom (Flash Fiction)

Spring, it's an awesome season. The word 'Spring' can mean many things but the first thing comes to mind is the yearly season, the second to think of is flowers. Guess what's the third thing?


Salam (Peace)

This is an entry to @janya #fiftywords (the initiative vice-leader until @miniature-tiger comes back.) The prompt this time is Spring, as usual the story is exactly 50 words excluding the title and the End tag.

Dead Lands Never Bloom

Shovels cracked the Ground.
Broken swords and shields filled the horizon.
Trails of smoke ascended from burning flesh.
For days they buried their comrades, then they went to the next campaign without looking back.

A flower stood in the graveyard they left behind, she welcomed the spring unaffected by war.


What are your thoughts?

While I really like this title, I don't know how it would sound to a Native English speaker. I'm also not sure if welcomed or greeted is better in the last line.

Please weed out any inconsistency, any typo & could I write any line better?

"Photo by Gianni Zanato on Unsplash. It's very easy to find flower pictures but very hard to find one that provokes the feeling I wanted.
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