#Fiftywords: Mother's Last Chocolate (Tiny Story)

Another Short Story About Mother/Child Relationships. It's my first entry in @miniature-tiger's #fiftywords initiative. Written with the current theme "Wave".

Mother's Last Chocolate

"Mom, will you buy me a chocolate after school?"

The day she died, mom waved at me as I left home.

After school, I was told my mother was sent to the hospital.

But she wrote a message before she left. "I'm not feeling okay, but here's your chocolate."


Being short I had to edit it many times to be less than 50 words (49 now) and the "Wave" theme was better in the longer version. But I still think the result turned out a lot better than expected!! Yaaay!! I would like to thank @miniature-tiger for his challenge and @mariannewest for mentioning him in her freewrite challenge.

With this and "Your Heart Would Remember" it feels I write about Mother/Son relationships a lot... It's okay I love Parent/Son relationships and writing them.

What are your thoughts?

This is my twelfth day post in my #challenge30days. Cover image is from pixabay.
3 columns
2 columns
1 column