#Fiftywords: One For All (flash fiction)

He'd find them, spend hours with them, listen to their troubles and let them know he cares.

So here I am again with another fiftywords story, @jayna's prompt this week is "Bank," you know what? I think it's a great prompt!! I thought of many words that contain or relate to bank (databank?) But I didn't want to write a story about a normal bank.

That's until this idea flashed in my mind and I had to make it a story... So here is it:

One For All

Each Sunday he'd go out to find one of them.
He'd spend hours with them, listen to their troubles,
their dreams and let them know he cares.

By the evening he'd bring them to our bank here,
and I'd withdraw his money for them.

Because once, he too, was homeless.

The End

I really wish I could write this one better, it feels like these words aren't strong enough but I struggle to find better words... Oh well, as for the title I just felt it's right somehow.

I think it was a good idea to make the story from the perspective of a bank employer.

I think people who survived hardships are those who understand people that are still struggling with them the most, it's hard to not help others when you encountered the same troubles before and wished there was someone for you. I know people like my story protagonist exist in real life, I wish there are more of them.

What do you think about this story?

What did you think of when you read it?
Anything you want to say?

I look forward to your comments

Photo by Ester Marie Doysabas on Unsplash.
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