No... Just Listen (A fiftywords micro fiction)

Hello again everyone. I got an idea for another story for this week's #Fiftywords challenge. So here's my second entry of this week. The prompt choosen by @jayna is "Book." The prompt this time is too interesting.


Just Listen

"No. just listen."
He gently put down my notebook after I asked him.

He noticed a frown on my face and said: "You won't forget."
Then he answered.

It has been thirty years since I lost that notebook.
My mentor was right.
I didn't forget his advice since that day.

The End

What are your thoughts?

This story is based on a similar true story. In the older days a man went to a scholar to ask about some religion teaching. As the scholar answered the man took a paper and pen to write what the scholar says... The rest is like the story I wrote above.

The man said years after, that the mentioned conversation is the one thing he didn't forget in his life.

If you found any mistake in my English please tell me.
Thanks for reading.

Cover image is made using photo by Ali Yahya on Unsplash
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